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Communist Party of the Philippines

Oppose Arroyo's "creeping martial law" and fight to bring down the Arroyo regime--CPP

September 21, 2005

In commemoration of the imposition of martial law 33 years ago, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) urged the Filipino people to be ever more vigilant against its return and oppose the "creeping martial law measures" and policies of the present regime meant to suppress the widespread and growing movement demanding Gloria Arroyo's ouster from Malaca�ang.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said "martial law has long been a glaring reality in the countryside and is creeping in the cities."

He explained that in the countryside, the military lords it over without question, while civilian authority kowtows to the military and is a mere embellishment. Militarization, outright killings of activists and human rights abuses in the countryside in the Arroyo regime's four year existence have drastically risen and have in fact already surpassed the record of the Marcos martial law years.

"Military overlordship in the countryside was boosted by Arroyo's all-out support for the US-instigated 'war against terror' and its extension to the Philippine countryside," said Rosal.

He added that Arroyo has even repeatedly rewarded the cruelest fascist officials like the notorious Gen. Jovito Palparan with medals and accelerated promotions despite strong protests from civil rights groups and the survivors of his all too numerous victims. Gen. Palparan has been called the "Butcher of Mindoro" by human rights groups for being responsible for the widespread killings of activists and unarmed civilians in Mindoro as well as in the various regions where he has been assigned.

Rosal said that in the urban areas, Malacanang has been systematically employing the military, police "and many other supposedly non-military and non-police" agencies to suppress the people's civil rights and prevent the wave of protests from swelling to large mass demonstrations capable of overthrowing her regime. Rosal pointed out that the Arroyo regime has also resorted to using the Metro Manila Development Authority, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board, the local government units, and lately, even the Department of Education with their absurd memos and rules restricting and suppressing rallies.

Rosal said that all these comprise elements of "creeping martial law."

The CPP spokesperson said that the people should even now oppose and fight "a martial law in the making" and not wait for the actual imposition of martial law." He said that in the face of more and more damning expos�s of Arroyo's crimes, mounting protests and the imminent downfall of her regime, Gloria Arroyo and the militarists and fascists in her cabinet have actually been considering the imposition of martial rule-whether openly declared or not-as an option in her desperation to save her skin."

Rosal cited internal discussions by Arroyo's cabinet exposed recently where, as early as June, cabinet "hawks" led by Interior Secretary Angelo Reyes and National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales have been pushing for a "show of muscle" to hold on to power, quash the protests and prevent a new "people power" uprising. Rosal noted that the "doves" in the cabinet opposed the regime's resort to the use of "muscle" and total obsession to cling to power at all costs. Thus, Arroyo made a move to kick them out but they resigned en masse instead and left a cabinet now dominated by fascists and apologists.

"The actual full-scale imposition of martial law will, however, only accelerate the downfall of Arroyo. In doing so, she can only succeed in fuelling further mass protests, facing heavier judgement by another 'people power' uprising and immediately turning the tide in favor of the armed revolution. The Filipino people will vigorously fight any attempt by Arroyo to reimpose martial law," said Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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