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Communist Party of the Philippines

NDFP slams U.S. for Abusing General Jarque and Wife

Utrecht � 23 September 2005

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) today roundly condemned the US government for the "inhuman treatment" and deportation from the US of retired General Raymundo Jarque and his wife Zenia.

In a statement released to the media, Luis G. Jalandoni, chairperson of the NDFP Negotiating Panel in peace talks with the government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), said that the couple were held incommunicado, separated from each other and not allowed visits from their family. "They even could not change their clothes," Jalandoni added.

The Jarques were reportedly travelling to visit their daughter Melissa, a US resident, and to seek urgent medical care for Mrs. Jarque. But they were stopped by US immigration officials shortly after arriving at Dallas airport on 20 September 2005, reportedly because of their association with the New People's Army and the NDFP. Jalandoni lashed out at the US for an act which "stigmatize, humiliate and abuse" known consultants of the NDFP.

"The US is condemnable for arbitrarily labeling General Jarque as a "terrorist" and subsequently acting inhumanely against him and his wife who needs a kidney transplant in the US." He added that, "(they) were issued visas by US consular officials in Manila. Neither one of them has ever been accused of committing any crime against the US or any of its citizens in the US or anywhere else in the world." The NDFP also took the opportunity to swipe at the GRP "for colluding with the US�in the unjust and baseless 'terrorist listing' and for allowing (the US) to interfere in Philippine affairs".

Jalandoni stressed that "the GRP is condemnable for failing to provide timely assistance to General and Mrs. Jarque, despite the fact that General Jarque is the security consultant of a (GRP corporation)". General Jarque was reportedly forced to retire in 1995 and seek refuge with the NDFP in Negros, central Philippines, as he was being persecuted by the corrupt GRP judicial system. He was later to serve as NDFP consultant on politico-military affairs in peace negotiations with the GRP in 1997.

The Jarques are due to arrive in Manila late Friday morning. ###

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