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Communist Party of the Philippines

Arroyo Officials Bereft of National Dignity -- NDFP

Sepyember 24, 2005

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) today lambasted officials of the Arroyo government, labelling them �shameless puppets (of the US)� and having �no sense of national honor and dignity�, after earlier reports that it will not protest the inhuman treatment and deportation from the US of retired General Raymundo Jarque and his wife Xenia.

In a statement issued to the media, Luis G. Jalandoni, chairperson of the NDFP Negotiating Panel, said that a diplomatic protest has not yet been filed over the abuse inflicted on the Jarques by US authorities, �despite the rightful demand of the Jarques and so many respected Filipino organizations�.

Jalandoni singled out for lashing executive secretary Eduardo Ermita, who earlier proclaimed that the US had the right �to label (the Jarques) as �terrorists� and to degrade and humiliate them�. Ermita �arrogantly ventured into the turf of foreign affairs secretary Alberto Romulo�, Jalandoni stressed, describing the executive secretary as �the chief factotum of the de facto president (Arroyo)�.

The chief NDFP representative further warned the Arroyo government that continuing to play �the role of running dog of the US� will only succeed in scuttling the peace negotiations�. He stated that the NDFP is still �waiting in vain� for satisfactory answers to the prejudicial questions it has raised over �US interference in the peace negotiations and violation of the people�s national sovereignty�.

Ruth de Leon
Executive Director
NDFP International Information Office Website:
http://home.wanadoo.nl/ndf Email address:
[email protected] Telephone: 31-30-2310431 Fax: 31-30-2322989 Mailing address: Amsterdamsestraatweg 50, NL-3513 AG Utrecht, Netherlands

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