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The incorrigible Arroyo regime will face intensifying NPA offensives and the wrath of the people demanding its ouster

September 30, 2005 The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas (NDF-EV) announces that guerrilla offensives by the New People's Army (NPA) in the region are to intensify in defense of the people and to hasten the downfall of the Arroyo regime. The NDF-EV accuses the Arroyo regime of unleashing brutal military campaigns in Eastern Visayas and the whole country to remain in power and strike down the democratic movement for its ouster. The events of the past weeks show more and more to the people of Eastern Visayas the brutality, immorality and illegitimacy of the Arroyo regime.

In Eastern Visayas, the common people are left to strangle in the grip of poverty and to twist in the wind of an unjust �war on terror�. But for the Arroyo regime and its bootlickers among the high officials of the region, it is the season of bribery and political accommodation�best illustrated by the failed impeachment initiative. However, being already in such a precarious state despite bribing its way out of impeachment, the Arroyo regime is becoming outrightly treasonous in pushing for Charter change and inviting US intervention to realize it. This is being unraveled by the ongoing Senate investigation of National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales for hiring a US lobby firm last July 25 to court US support for Arroyo's Charter change gambit.

Suppression of the people's democratic rights is worsening under the regime, as military atrocities against civilians are widespread in rural areas and becoming common in urban areas. The regime is secretly planning martial rule and is now openly seeking to further curtail civil liberties through an anti-terrorism bill, Charter change and the recent policy of �calibrated preemptive response��a euphemism for giving blanket authority to the military and police to attack any and all anti-Arroyo demonstrations. Arroyo is so antidemocratic that she is cracking down on her own government by purging those who are critical of her, and by issuing Executive Order 464 that bars civilian and military-police officials from facing legislative inquiry without her permission. But Gen. Francisco Gudani and Col. Alexander Balutan defied Arroyo to testify before the Senate that massive cheating did occur in last year's elections. More officials who are disgusted with the corruption and dishonesty of Arroyo will certainly step forward.

The Arroyo regime is thus ripe for overthrow and the broad anti-Arroyo united front will only grow stronger the longer that she brazens it out. It is correct for the progressives in the broad anti-Arroyo united front to insist on a democratic transition council after Arroyo that will study and recommend basic political and economic reforms to benefit the people.

For its part, the NPA does not participate in civilian activities and mass actions. But intensifying the revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside will weaken the regime's most assiduous defenders, the military and police forces, and frustrate the regime from concentrating them against the peaceful demonstrations for Arroyo's ouster. It is likewise the duty of the NPA to heed the cry of the people and punish the most notorious units and elements in the 8th Infantry Division who wantonly violate human rights and international humanitarian law. The tactical offensives of today can thus contribute to the overthrow of the present regime, weaken the ruling system, strengthen the NPA and progressively advance the people's war.

Even as they peacefully assemble to dismantle the Arroyo regime, the people can thus always count on their army in the NPA and their revolutionary government in the countryside. By being incorrigible, arrogant, and heedless of the people, the Arroyo regime is hastening the enlightenment of the people and directs them to the revolutionary alternative. #

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