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Communist Party of the Philippines

GMA's fascist and dictatorial measures will spell the downfall of her regime--CPP

October 6, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said fascist and dictatorial measures increasingly being applied by Gloria Arroyo will spell the downfall of her regime.

In the same way that martial law isolated the Marcos regime, broadened the ranks of antifascist forces and spurred the advance of the armed revolutionary and open legal mass movements against the dictatorship, Arroyo's policies that have virtually become the equivalent of an undeclared martial law are now further isolating her and intensifying the determination of the Filipino people to put an end to her much-hated regime, the CPP said in a statement.

The CPP strongly denounced the "Arroyo regime's recent round of fascist and dictatorial measures," citing the "calibrated preemptive response" policy, EO 464, the violent dispersal of street demonstrations in Mendiola and the railroading of the Anti-Terror Bill in the House of Representatives.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said "the excessive use of police violence to disperse legitimate and peaceful street demonstrations, the all-out effort to stop public hearings and investigations of her numerous crimes against the people and the rush to enact virtual martial law in the form of an Anti-Terrorism Law are all enraging the freedom- loving Filipino people and steeling them to wage resistance."

"Marcos' fascist demon is resurrected in Arroyo. She swaggers arrogantly like a dictator. She tramples on people's rights, civil liberties and democratic processes. She invokes the rule of law to break the rule of law. And she make-believes she is invincible and capable of having everything she wants," said Rosal.

Rosal pointed out that "Arroyo abuses the vast financial prerogatives of her office to hold a big majority of congressmen under her sway and has used them to kill the impeachment process, suppress the truth, approve everything that Arroyo decks out to them and railroad the draft of a virtual martial law bill, making them a veritable Arroyo rubber stamp."

"Like Marcos, she wants to personally control all government and military officials, down to the lowest level, treating them as stringed puppets, requiring her express approval for their every move and threatening them with removal from office and sanctions if they act independent of her will," said Rosal. "In classic Marcosian fashion, Arroyo has shown extreme jealousy in keeping her secrets from the public."

Rosal added that "Her increasingly dictatorial rule, however, will spell the downfall of her regime. Employing fascist measures and placing the country under an undeclared martial law is a sign of weakness, not of strength. She can no longer rule in the old way and resorts to more and more naked force against the people to compel them to bow to her brutal authority."

"But the people have learned both from Marcos and Arroyo and can no longer be fooled, intimidated and made to shut up. If Marcos could not last with his stronger hold on the military, Arroyo will fall more quickly and more easily with a large bulk of the military opposed to her. The Filipino will persistently and untiringly challenge and fight the fascist ban on street rallies and other fascist restrictions to their freedoms by launching ever bigger mass demonstrations at Mendiola, at EDSA and elsewhere," said Rosal.

"It is only a matter of a time before the Filipino people will rise up in their millions and determinedly fight for their freedom and democratic rights and tear apart with their own hands Arroyo's increasingly dictatorial rule," added Rosal.

The CPP spokesperson also said that, for its part, the New People's Army will continue to intensify its tactical offensives and deal more frequent and more powerful blows against Arroyo's increasingly fascist rule. "The people's armed revolution will only grow stronger in proportion to worsening fascism under Arroyo," he said.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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