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Communist Party of the Philippines

NDFP Scores Gov't Anew for Ignorance on 'Immunity Guarantees'

October 6, 2005

The peace negotiating panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) on Thursday scored the Arroyo regime for again �suspending� the Joint Agreement on Security and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG), stressing that such �suspension� is invalid.

In a statement released to the media, NDFP chief negotiator Luis G. Jalandoni explained that the JASIG �does not provide for suspension. What it provides for is termination to take effect 30 days after notice�. He also branded �a brazen lie� the claim that �the NDFP has withdrawn from the peace negotiations�.

Apparently ignorant of the provisions of past agreements, the government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) issued a notice of suspension Wednesday, which it claimed �takes effect immediately�. The GRP also earlier announced the �suspension� of the JASIG August, only to withdraw the same suspension first week of September.

Jalandoni stressed that the NDFP �has always been ready to resume the (peace negotiations)�. He deplored the Arroyo regime�s failure to comply with the GRP�s past obligations in the negotiations, �because it is preoccupied with its extreme isolation, instability and problem of survival�. He pointed out that the Arroyo regime has instead �embarked on a scheme to appear tough and intimidate the people�.

Human rights organizations have reported at least 400 assassinations of progressive leaders and activists under the Arroyo regime. Those summarily executed included journalists, lawyers, religious leaders, human rights workers, and local government officials.

The NDFP had earlier revealed that �death squads� under the direction of Arroyo�s own cabinet were responsible for the bloody rampage in the country.

The NDFP, Jalandoni added, �observes that the people are moving resolutely and vigorously to oust the Arroyo clique from power for its high crimes, including puppetry, plunder, electoral fraud and rule of terror.�

�Eventually, the people will succeed in removing (the regime), thus stop them from impeding the proper resumption of the formal meetings in the peace negotiations,� he concluded. [NDFP IIO] ###

Ruth de Leon
Executive Director
NDFP International Information Office Website:
http://home.wanadoo.nl/ndf Email address:
[email protected]
Telephone: 31-30-2310431
Fax: 31-30-2322989
Mailing address: Amsterdamsestraatweg 50, NL-3513 AG Utrecht, Netherlands

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