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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP calls for people power revolt and armed offensives to thwart Palace coup

October 9, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines today called on all freedom-loving Filipinos to vigorously oppose plans presently being rushed by the Arroyo regime to crush all opposition by imposing full-scale and open fascist rule in the country.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal cited reports stating that Malaca�ang's "dirty tricks department" will be orchestrating a series of bombings in Metro Manila in the coming days and that Arroyo will use this as a pretext to round up anti-Arroyo political leaders, activists and critics and take over all vital enterprises. Gloria Arroyo has reportedly already signed an executive order numbered 467 declaring a state of national emergency. The order will reportedly be issued once Congress takes a nine-day recess on October 15 to prevent legislators from questioning the basis for the national emergency declaration.

Rosal said Arroyo's latest measures such as the "calibrated preemptive response" which justifies the violent dispersal of protest rallies, EO 464 which prohibits cabinet members, military officers and others from the executive branch from testifying before Congressional inquiries without clearance from Malaca�ang, as well as moves to harass and persecute prominent anti-Arroyo figures and a stepped up drive to have the Anti- Terrorism Bill enacted into law are all a prelude to the eventual imposition of barefaced fascist rule.

Rosal moreover said that with a military and police force increasingly restive and demoralized over the massive electoral fraud, large-scale plunder and corruption perpetrated by the ruling clique and numerous manuevers and covert tactics to suppress the truth and wipe off its bloody trail, Arroyo would have to rely on private armies of Arroyo loyalists to stage its coup together with a segment of the mercenary military and police forces remaining loyal to her.

In this regard, said Rosal, Arroyo has instructed her National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and DILG chief Gen. Angelo Reyes to prepare local vigilantes as "community back-up forces against terrorism." Dovetailing this are recent reports that at least two major arms shipments had arrived in the country to be used by a "civilian force" loyal to Arroyo, he said.

Rosal called Malaca�ang's latest maneuvers as "desperate moves by a moribund regime in the throes of a grave political and socio-economic crisis." Extremely isolated from the people and even from important sections of the ruling classes, he said, and with more and more of the people demanding her ouster, Rosal said Arroyo now resorts to open tyranny as she tries to claw her way out of the ever-deepening political and economic deathtrap she is in.

The CPP spokesperson said, however, that Arroyo would not last very long. "The people have learned bitterly from the inherent weakness of a martial law regime and the sufferings they have gone through with Marcos' martial law," said Rosal. "But still, the isolated and crisis-ridden dictatorship was brought down in a few days' exercise of people's power." Rosal said that should Arroyo try to force martial law in whatever form, the mass of the people would not allow it.

"Her fascist regime will crumble fast in the face of a massive demonstration of a united people together with a rapid advance of the people's armed revolution." Rosal said Arroyo could not even rely on the support of the entire government's armed forces, since many among them would likely turn against her dictatorial regime and support the people's struggle to bring it down as soon as possible.

Rosal called for the intensification of anti-Arroyo protests to thwart the regime's sinister schemes to quash civil liberties and annihilate all opposition to its fascist, puppet and corrupt rule. Arroyo's undeniable ambition to do another Marcos provides the clearest justification for the people to overthrow her, he said.

The CPP also directed the New People's Army to further intensify tactical offensives nationwide "to punish Arroyo's arrogant and fascist regime and express its solidarity with the people's movement to terminate the hated ruling clique."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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