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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP condemns clampdown plan vs. media and protest movement

October 16, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today joined freedom-loving media practitioners and other democratic sectors in condemning a reported government plot to arrest editors and reporters, mass leaders and other opposition figures critical of the regime once Arroyo declares emergency rule or martial law.

The reported plot was exposed today by The Daily Tribune newspaper based on insider information from the National Bureau of Investigation stating that Malaca�ang has issued direct orders to the bureau to arrest critical journalists and clamp down on media as part of the regime's takeover of vital industries during "emergency rule." The information leak comes at the heels of the discovery of a draft "emergency rule" declaration prepared by Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez.

The information reportedly names an initial list of four editors and seven reporters working for three major broadsheets as well as editors and reporters of five other publications along with a number of unspecified radio commentators as among those to be arrested. These journalists and broadcasters had also earlier on been reportedly subjected to intensive surveillance, along with leaders of the protest movement and the political opposition and anti-Arroyo military officers-all of whom are reportedly also subject to arrest under "emergency rule."

The CPP, through its spokesperson, Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, has several times denounced the Arroyo regime's calibrated measures as a mere prelude to the eventual imposition of open fascist rule in the guise of "emergency rule." "Arroyo's intolerance to dissent and her insistence on clinging to power at all cost have led her to impose increasingly fascist measures that serve as stepping stones to one form or another of martial rule," said Rosal.

He said that Arroyo was especially enraged at the fact that newspapers and media organizations in general have served as vehicles for exposing the corruption and rottenness of her regime.

He enjoined media practictioners and all freedom-loving Filipinos to be vigilant, resist all attempts to muzzle truth and freedom, and join ranks with the mass of the Filipino people in opposing any and all forms of fascist rule and demanding Gloria Arroyo's ouster.

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