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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP scores AFP for fake letter, warns of AFP-instigated bombings

October 21, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today flatly denied accusations made yesterday by Gen. Romeo Tolentino, commanding officer of the AFP Northern Luzon Command that funds from the office of Rep. Satur Ocampo were used by the New People's Army to purchase explosives.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal condemned the top leadership of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for publicly and shamefacedly peddling lies in a desperate attempt to malign the New People's Army (NPA), set up innocent persons as targets of fascist attacks, foment disorder to scare people from joining rallies and build a scenario for the imposition of open fascist rule.

In yesterday's press conference, General Tolentino claimed that the AFP had just seized from an overrun NPA camp a cache of C-4 explosives and documents including a letter with the logo of the CPP/NPA stating that a certain "Ka Satur" gave P5 million for the purchase of explosives to be used to stage bombings in Metro Manila.

Representative Ocampo has vehemently denounced the obvious fakery and ill intent of the AFP in coming out with it. He stated outrightly that the NPA definitely does not use real names in its communications. Ocampo challenged General Tolentino to file a formal charge on the matter. The NOLCOM chief said, however, that it would be a waste of time since the complete name is not mentioned in the letter and he does not have enough evidence to support a case against Ocampo.

Rosal said that never in his whole experience in the revolutionary movement has he seen or known of communications within the CPP, the NPA or anywhere else in the revolutionary movement using the CPP logo. "For General Tolentino's information, the CPP logo is never used in internal communications. It appears only in official publications of the Central Committee."

"Supposed CPP codewords used by the AFP to lend authenticity to the fake letter have long been blown and thus discarded more than a decade ago," added Rosal.

"Obviously, the AFP has other evil designs behind the fakery," said Rosal. "Its timing curiously coincides with the launching of a big protest rally in Mendiola and persistent caveats from the PNP regarding so-called communist infiltration of protest actions," he noted.

"The NPA is under strict orders to keep away from protest rallies, and indiscriminate bombings and terrorism, which victimize innocent civilians are anathema to the CPP-NPA and the entire revolutionary movement," he stressed.

"It is the AFP, in fact, that has been deploying armed infiltrators into the ranks of the demonstrators," Rosal said, citing reports that so far three infiltrators from the AFP and PNP, including an Army 2nd lieutenant, a Marine sergeant and a PNP officer, have been caught by the marchers themselves, turned over to the police and charged with fomenting violence in rallies. "There will likely be many more attempts by the AFP-PNP to infiltrate the rallyists' ranks using their armed operatives and create mischief against the protesters and the people," added Rosal.

Rosal warned that covert operatives under Malaca�ang and the AFP-PNP may stage bombings, blame them on the revolutionary forces and use this as the pretext for declaring a state of national emergency to suppress legitimate and peaceful protest actions and launch a massive crackdown on anti-Arroyo forces.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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