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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP hits Arroyo's rejection of UNDP report

November 3, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today lambasted the Arroyo government for its outright rejection of the United Nation's Development Program (UNDP) conclusion that the US and Arroyo governments were wrong to categorize the CPP and New People's Army (NPA) as "terrorist organizations." According to the UNDP, based on the Philippine Human Development Report 2005 study of the policy, history and general practice of the CPP/NPA, these revolutionary organizations have not engaged in terrorism or acts of terrorism, contrary to allegations by the US and Arroyo governments.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the Arroyo regime's outright rejection of the report as "misinformed" only reveals its intractable adherence to its own lies in sheer conformity with the lies, designs and dictates of the Bush government. "Such a dishonest and intransigent attitude does not help any in pushing forward peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the National Democratic Front (NDF)," said Rosal.

Reacting to questions from the media, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said yesterday that "the UNDP was misinformed." Ermita even appealed to the UN not to remove the CPP/NPA from the "terrorist list."

"The Arroyo regime's heedless rejection of the UNDP report only confirms the regime's militarist mindset in line with US global terrorism in the name of anti-terrorism. Obviously, Malaca�ang did not even bother give the report a second look," said Rosal.

He said that aside from criticizing the Arroyo administration's adoption of the militarist US policy of 'global war on terror,' the UNDP report "also serves as a creditable third-party confirmation the CPP-NPA-NDF's analysis of the internal causes of the Arroyo administration's inability to pursue the peace process." Rosal said that especially since the Arroyo regime started sinking deep into the morass of its present unprecedented crisis, it has practically lost its ability to respond genuinely and positively to the requirements of the peace process.

He said that the CPP agrees with the UNDP report's findings that the profound crisis engulfing the Arroyo regime has not only cast doubt on the integrity and seriousness of this regime in pursuing the peace process but has also resulted in valid skepticism of the CPP-NPA-NDF, as well as among the people, about Malaca�ang's willingness and capability to deliver the obligations it entered into in the peace talks, not to mention the requisites for real reforms in the country's socio-economic and political system.

The CPP spokesperson also affirmed the reports'conclusions that the intensity of crisis of the Arroyo administration cannot but have profound and fatal implications on the entire ruling system.

Rosal said the UNDP study's conclusion that the serious allegations of poll fraud and other scandals rocking the Arroyo regime--underscored by the 'Garci' wiretapping scandal where even mainstream participants themselves consider the current electoral process a mockery of genuine democracy and question its capacity to deliver fair and honest results�not only indicts the Arroyo regime and the bankrupt reactionary electoral processes it has flagrantly manipulated but also the entire rotten semicolonial and semifeudal socio-economic-political system obtaining in the country. He said that such findings affirm and validate the need for a thorough-going social revolutionary change of the social system.

"Very clearly, the study actually acknowedges that what the CPP-NPA-NDF is doing is waging a a just and legitimate people's revolution, and not terrorism in any way," said Rosal.

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