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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP denounces NOLCOM as "factory of lies"
January 28, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today denounced the Philippine Army Northern Luzon Command's (NOLCOM) for "fabricating lies" in claiming that four Tarlac farmers were killed in an armed enounter between the Philippine Army and the New People's Army (NPA).

Calling the NOLCOM a "factory of lies", CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal denounced NOLCOM chief Gen. Romeo Dominguez for "spewing disinformation and manufacturing false reports to cover up fascist crimes."

Contrary to NOLCOM's claims, said Rosal, media and human rights organizations that conducted a fact-finding mission in Barangay Bantog, Victoria, Tarlac cited testimonies from local residents saying that that those killed were actually summarily executed by elements of the 69th IB.

Barangay Bantog is 8 kilometers north of Hacienda Luisita, where military and police violence against a workers' strike now on its 83rd day has claimed the lives of a peasant leader and 14 strikers and supporters. The AFP has since declared that the strike enjoyed the NPA's support, a claim categorically denied by both the striking union and the CPP and denounced as a pretext for the stepped- up suppression of the workers.

"Gen. Dominguez, who had also earlier concocted a fantastic account of the Abu Sayyaf's escape from the Lamitan siege, is a fanatic disciple of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels," said Rosal. "He and his spokesman Col. Preme Monta, are in their element once more, concocting a brand new fairy tale about a so-called armed encounter between the military and the NPA in order to cover-up widespread human rights violations in Tarlac."

Interviews conducted by human rights organizations among local residents revealed that one of the casualties, Felipe Briones, was killed when Philippine Army soldiers sprayed his house with bullets.

Two of Briones' sons, Junie and Dexter, who were working in a rice field, were later picked up by the soldiers and are now under police custody. This information was confirmed by Bantog barangay chair Salud Gabor. The locals moreover attested that Felipe Briones was a legitimate resident of the barangay and was not an NPA member.

Rosal denounced Briones' summary execution and demanded the release of his sons. "The fascist wild dogs of the 69th IB must be made to pay for their crimes against the people of Tarlac," said Rosal.

"The NOLCOM is weaving one lie after another in a desperate attempt to make people believe its story line that the NPA has infiltrated the ranks of the Hacienda Luisita strikers," Rosal said.

Rosal said it was apparent that the Cojuangcos were paying huge amounts to the NOLCOM to come up with incredible stories just to divert attention from the legitimate demands of the striking workers and justify moves to break the latter's will," Rosal added.

Rosal called on the strikers and other residents of barangays within and around Hacienda Luisita to raise their level of vigilance in the face of the Dominguez- Monta tandem's furious moves to prepare public opinion for unleashing escalated violence against the strikers.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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