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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP hits new tax measure
January 9, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today deplored the passing of the Lateral Attrition Bill, saying it will worsen corruption and impose heavier burdens on the people.

The Lateral Attrition Bill has been passed by the Philippine Senate and is set to be approved by the bicameral committee in the next few days. Under this bill, government internal revenue officials and employees who exceed their collection targets will be given a percentage of the excess amount. On the other hand, those who fail to meet their targets will be meted sanctions.

In condemning the bill, CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal cited the age-old practice of internal revenue officials to reduce their targets so they could publicly declare that they were able to surpass them.

"The Lateral Attrition Bill gives financial rewards to those who engage in such deception and feeds the corruption of high government officials," Rosal said. "This bill is a victory for the most corrupt officials of government."

"On the other hand, government employees critical of corruption in high places can be booted out and accused of having failed to meet their targets. Their job security is imperilled if they do not ride along with the corruption of their higher-ups," he said.

Rosal said he expects rank-and-file employees of government tax agencies to reject the new tax measure.

"Ultimately, it will be the people who will bear the burden of this new tax measure. Government revenue officials will be squeezing every ounce of blood from the Filipino people just to meet their targets," he added.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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