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Malaca�ang and AFP psywar, preparing for a possible declaration of a state of emergency

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
October 03, 2002

A psywar campaign is currently being waged by the AFP, PNP and various other government agencies. This is directly orchestrated by Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes and his band of militarists within the Macapagal-Arroyo regime.

Part of this psywar campaign are the stories being spread by the AFP, PNP and Malaca�ang about alleged NPA plans to conduct kidnappings, hold-ups and bombings of the LRT and other public places such as shopping malls which are pure hogwash.

In particular, this psywar campaign aims to

  1. terrorize the people and induce them to panic

  2. portray the NPA as �terrorist� and �criminal�

  3. justify the all-out war against the revolutionary forces and the people, including the rationalization of stricter measures, such as the proposed Anti-Terrorism Law, that would control the people�s activities

  4. lay the groundwork for a possible declaration of a �state of emergency� that could lead to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus and the imposition of martial law

To lend credibility to concocted �intelligence reports,� there is always the possibility that the ISAFP�s �Dirty Tricks Department� would actually plant or detonate bombs in various parts of Metro Manila and immediately blame this on the NPA.

We would like to reassure the people and deny that the NPA has any plans whatsoever of conducting attacks that would harm innocent civilians. Just as the NPA has shown in the past, its tactical offensives are directed only at legitimate military targets, including active elements of the AFP, PNP, CAFGU and other armed groups under the AFP�s command.

We likewise deny any plans of conducting hold-ups and kidnap-for-ransom. The Party has very unequivocal policies and principles that strictly forbid the conduct of such criminal activities.

We challenge the AFP and PNP to stop hiding behind such concocted �intelligence reports.� They should instead bare these �intelligence reports� before the public. I am confident that they will fail the most basic tests with regard to concreteness of evidence and credibility of information, for the simple reason that such �intelligence reports� are mere figments of their imagination.

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