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There will be no ceasefire in the face of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's relentless attacks

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
December 06, 2002

Although it has been the CPP-NPA's practice and desire to declare a ceasefire during Christmas to allow the people to celebrate the season and bolster the peace negotiations, it is the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime itself that has eliminated whatever basis there is for a ceasefire declaration this Christmas season.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines has decided against declaring a ceasefire this Christmas season. This is because the Macapagal-Arroyo regime has demonstrated outright puppetry and perpetrated such fascist and antipeople measures especially this past year.

On November 21, the regime treacherously approved the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement that thoroughly runs roughshod on the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Through the MLSA and the Visiting Forces Agreement, the regime has transformed the entire Philippines into a US military base, the better to intervene in the country, fight the revolutionary movement in the Philippines and make it a staging area for US wars of aggression and intervention in other countries.

Also in compliance with US dictates, the regime has stepped up fascism, run roughshod over the peace process and advanced the counterreveolutionary all-out war. It has intensified plunder as well as measures that trample on the people's welfare and cause them unspeakable suffering.

Christmas or not, the regime relentlessly goes on a rampage against the people and intensifies its all-out war against the revolutionary movement. It has long ago set aside the peace talks and like a broken record, repeatedly brands as "terrorist" the revolutionary movement to create a "terrorist hysteria," deceive the broad masses and rationalize the intensification of the fascist suppression of democratic and civil rights.

Worse, the regime plans to use the coming Christmas season to step up measures to malign, sow intrigues and launch armed attacks against the revolutionary movement. The regime's relentless attacks have effectively killed the ceasefire issue.

Macapagal-Arroyo herself has no regard for Christmas. She has expressed absolute lack of interest in having a serious ceasefire this Christmas season, just like her AFP and PNP generals' earlier declarations.

In this regard, all NPA units and the people, especially in guerrilla zones and fronts, are directed to step up their vigilance and state of readiness. They must be on a state of active defense and wage thorough resistance against any attack and act of repression by the reactionary regime, whether or not the AFP and PNP declare one of their fake suspension of military operations (SOMO). ###

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