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Oust Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
August 28, 2003

The Arroyo regime's corruption, puppetry and militarism are unbounded. There are no less than 10 reasons why the Filipino people must take action to put an end to the Arroyo regime:

  1. the Arroyo couple is directly involved in massive corruption along with their cronies both in the military and civilian bureaucracy

  2. the regime has signed the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement giving the US military the right to use the entire country as a huge military base

  3. it has allowed the Balikatan war exercises to pave the way for intensified US military intervention in the Philippines

  4. it has junked the peace talks and plotted terrorist bombings in Davao and elsewhere in the Philippines to invite US military intervention

  5. it blindly supported the US war of aggression on Iraq that violated international standards of civilized relations among independent nations

  6. it launches an all-out terrorist war that has resulted in widespread militarization and human rights violations in the countryside, especially in Mindoro, Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Cagayan Valley, Compostela Valley and other areas

  7. it continues to implement policies to liberalize the economy upon the dictates of the IMF-WB-WTO that has destroyed the country's forces of production and wrought havoc on the toiling masses' livelihood

  8. it has facilitated and endorsed widespread landgrabbing such as Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco's landgrabbing scheme for his massive cassava plantation

  9. it has refused to raise workers' wages and salaries of government employees

  10. it has failed to put a stop to the spiralling prices of oil, water and electric services, among others

With Arroyo's severe isolation from the people and the gravity of the crisis wrought by her regime's pro-imperialist, militarist and bankrupt policies and practices, there is now an ever-bigger probability that Arroyo will be ousted through a mass movement and people's uprising the way Estrada was ousted in 2001 and Marcos in 1986.

Even the reactionary opposition has called for Arroyo's resignation and supports people's street actions for her ouster. Likewise, there are mounting grievances among government troops against the puppet, repressive and corrupt military and government leadership. We encourage them to approach and support the democratic mass movement and coordinate with mass actions to bring down the Arroyo regime.

In this regard, the New People's Army will continue intensifying its armed tactical offensives against the AFP and the state's armed groups in accordance with the Party's call to further advance the armed revolution nationwide and deal heavy blows on the Arroyo regime. ###

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