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CARHIHL Document


Comprehensive Agreement on Respect
for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

"... It is important to propagate the Agreement among the broad masses of the people in order for them to uphold it... Let the people regard it as something that is truly their own. Through their revolutionary struggle, the people can fulfill and even surpass the aims of the Agreement.

"The country’s long history of revolutionary struggle and political negotiations has never brought forth a document such as the CARHRIHL, wherein the reactionary government formally acknowledges the existence of widespread violations of human rights in the country. The Agreement moreover obliges the GRP to recognize the full range of human rights especially those of workers, peasants, fisherfolk, urban poor, migrant workers, national minorities, women, youth and children. It stipulates concrete measures to rectify violations of human rights and give justice to victims; and recognizes the integrity of the revolutionary movement and grants it its rightful place in confronting and resolving cases of violations of human rights."

-- Ang Bayan, December 10, 1998
Special Issue on Carhrihl

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