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Statements released by

Julian Paisano
Coronacion "Waling-Waling" Chiva Command

June 30, 2009AFP Bombards Tumanduk Land in Tapaz, Capiz, civilian homes destroyed

April 2, 2008On the ambush by the RPA faction of Demetrio Capilastique on some elements of the Janiuay Police
March 29, 2009 Celebrate forty years of revolutionary struggle! Advance to the next higher level of the people's war
December 10 , 2007On the indictment of the plotters and implementors of the abduction of Ma. Luisa Posa-Dominado and Nilo Arado
May 05, 2007Statement of the Coronacion Chiva "Waling-Waling" Command on the abduction and shooting of the Oton 3
August 9, 2006 Statement on the Ambush on Capt. Motia of the Philippine Army
July 3, 2006GMA’s two-year deadline against the revolutionary movement will only strengthen the NPA

June 17, 2004The Tubungan Raid is the NPA's Answer to the Ongoing Electoral Farce and the Deepening Crisis

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