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CPP Information Bureau

Releases Archives
 2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011
January 3, 2004Letter to the editor - Philippine Daily Inquirer
January 11, 2004Ka Roger hits media harassment
January 12, 2004Time running out fast for GMA on peace talks -- CPP
January 14, 2004CPP urges concrete positive steps for resumpton of talks
January 17, 2004PTC negotiations in full swing, benefit the people--CPP
January 19, 2004CPP scoffs at AFP inutility and empty boasts in the face of PTC negotiations
January 26, 2004CPP condemns spate of military abuses in Mindoro, calls for setting up of joint human rights monitoring body
January 30, 2004Widespread disenchantment among AFP soldiers reveals depth of crisis in the system-CPP
February 9, 2004Gen. Corpus is Arroyo's political mercenary--CPP
February 10, 2004CPP Hopeful For Talks But Expects No Quick Resolution Of War
February 13, 2004GRP obliged to undo its part of the wrong in the "terrorist" tag--CPP
February 15, 2004CPP vows justice for two more human rights activists killed
February 16, 2004PTC Question Hinges on Resolution of Socio-economic and Political Reforms � CPP
February 20, 2004US And Its Militarist Puppets in Malaca�ang and the AFP Hinder Peace Talks - CPP
February 24, 2004CPP challenges Arroyo to denounce US interference and insistence on terrorist tag
February 25, 2004CPP acknowledges Roco's stand against US terror list
February 27, 2004US' blackmailing of MILF same as that of CPP-NPA-NDF - Ka Roger
March 4, 2004NPA holds two POWs in Bicol, calls on AFP to stop operations
March 6, 2004Cease AFP operations in Camarines Sur for the sake of POWs--CPP
March 7, 2004CPP berates AFP for indifferent and absurd statements re POWs
March 14, 2004Family seeks POW release, appeals for SOMO
March 15, 2004CPP condemns spate of human rights abuses in Camarines Sur
March 15, 2004CPP denounces Malaca�ang Red scare
March 16, 2004Super Five Bus Company Penalized by NPA for Tax Evasion
March 16, 2004Footages show humane and lenient treatment of NPA POWs in Bicol
March 17, 2004Malaca�ang, Not AFP, Should Have Say Re POWs -- CPP
March 17, 2004Exercise Selective Leniency in Implementing PTC Policy -- CPP
March 20, 2004AFP "rescue operations" are foolish and detrimental to POWs
March 20, 2004 NPA Inflicts Casualties on Elite 10th IB As Army Attacks Guerilla Camp
March 23, 2004CPP condemns Arroyo-Lopez bailout deal for Maynilad
March 23, 2004Muslim ID, an anti-Moro and fascist prelude to National ID --CPP
March 28, 2004Hundreds of Thousands to Celebrate NPA's 35th Anniversary
March 29, 2004CPP hails banner year of NPA victories, calls for further intensification of people�s war
March 29, 2004NPA expects more AFP defections
March 30, 2004Not a single NPA child combatant - Ka Roger
March 30, 2004Jalandoni scores GRP failure to fulfill commitments in Oslo Joint Statement
March 31, 2004NDFP hits GRP consent on US interference
April 3, 2004Moros are made sacrificial lambs in Malaca�ang's terrorist card--CPP
April 3, 2004CPP welcomes release of political prisoners, congratulates NDF negotiators
April 4, 2004CPP condemns the PNP for using civilians as human shields
April 5, 2004Norberto Gonzales' witch-hunting, the Philippines' New McCarthyism - Ka Roger
April 8, 2004Additional clarifications on the meting of revolutionary justice on the PNOC
April 10, 2004CPP demands official Malaca�ang repudiation of Gonzales' lies
April 12, 2004US behind GMA terrorism all along--CPP
April 16, 2004Efren Martires Command slams Col. Feliciano for saying there are NPA child combatants
April 25, 2004CPP reminds Malaca�ang, AFP of Bicol POWs
April 26, 2004CPP denounces anti-PTC propaganda drive
April 28, 2004AFP campaigns for Akbayan, harasses Bayan Muna
April 28, 2004CPP denounces Philippine Army�s firing at innocent civilians and cover-up of the incident
April 30, 2004Arroyo should take steps to stop the violence against progresive party-list groups--Ka Roger
May 1, 2004US' close monitoring of Philippine elections is blatant interventionism and poses dangers -- CPP
May 1, 2004Workers have nothing to celebrate -- CPP
May 2, 2004"Pulang Mandirigma: Images of the New People's Army", now available!
May 2, 2004NPA-Samar assails 8th Infantry Division for demonization campaign
May 15, 2004Lacson's treachery should forwarn all-CPP
May 16, 2004Swelling street protests vs. election fraud, violence seen--CPP
May 18, 2004Oppose oil price increases, deregulation law -- CPP
May 21, 2004AFP-PNP attacks against anti-fraud and violence groups backfiring--CPP
May 21, 2004AFP's claim of victory in Camarines Sur: Hot-air to cover up abuses -- CPP
May 27, 2004AFP/PNP�s destabilization scenario to stymie legitimate protests against electoral fraud and violence--CPP
May 31, 2004AFP under-reporting rights violations
June 3, 2004CPP supports students' protest against "bridge program"
June 11, 2004Series of power rate hikes are economic crimes against the people--CPP
June 17, 2004AFP, PNP are concocting ludicrous intrigues - Ka Roger
June 17, 2004Ka Roger: "Assassination plot is a big Malacanang lie"
June 21, 2004Fraud-ridden GMA "victory" weakens and hastens downfall of the rotten system-CPP
June 22, 2004NDFP Asks GRP to Live Up to Its Commitments
June 25, 2004P20 ECOLA increase, insult to workers -� CPP
July 4, 2004CPP suspects Arroyo treachery behind "reconciliation" with Marcoses
July 7, 2004US behind rush to rewrite constitution-CPP
July 9, 2004The head of the puppet regime must fall should Angelo dela Cruz be beheaded -- CPP
July 15, 2004US imperialism is the real terrorist in Iraq--CPP
July 20, 2004AFP preventing the safe and orderly release of NPA POWs--CPP
July 23, 2004AFP's "no-negotiation and no-SOMO/SOPO" stance is counter-productive -- Ka Roger
July 26, 2004Arroyo government is a "tax regime" -- CPP
August 5, 2004Protests imperative to force rollback of oil prices -- CPP
August 6, 2004Release of POWs rests on successful SOMO/SOPO
August 8, 2004AFP scuttles scheduled release of NPA POWs
August 10, 2004CPP denounces US�s renewal of �terrorist� listing of CPP and NPA
August 13, 2004Release of POWs within SOMO period, CPP assures
August 17, 2004NPA set to release prisoners-of-war tomorrow
August 20, 2004"POWs were not even compelled to have a haircut" - Ka Roger
August 31, 2004Pangyayari sa Balantoy, Binabaliktad ng 5th ID PA
September 1, 2004CPP scoffs at de Venecia fund drive
September 5, 2004Arroyo provoking people to end her regime -- CPP
September 8, 2004Arroyo's antipeople measures are her own destabilizers -- CPP
September 22, 2004New taxes will spell "political death" of Arroyo regime
September 24, 2004CPP warns Arroyo government against compromise with Marcoses
September 25, 2004Widespread grievances will continue to spur protest actions within AFP -- CPP
September 29, 2004Economy is fundamentally weak -- CPP
September 30, 2004NPA punishes criminals, not ideological adversaries -- CPP
October 1, 2004RPM-RPA-ABB declaration of war against NPA not new -- CPP
October 3, 200438th Special Forces Company Ambushed by NPA, 3 Dead
October 7, 2004Statement by CPP Spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal on the food coupons
October 7, 2004Arroyo has a muddled view of the relationship between poverty and revolution -- CPP
October 7, 2004Statement of CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal: Hungry people are flocking to NPA to help fight Arroyo government
October 7, 2004Tabara was slain while resisting arrest -- NPA report
October 7, 2004Special People's Court was to try Tabara for numerous crimes
October 12, 2004CPP calls on soldiers to launch protest actions
October 14, 2004Special People's Court receives more complaints against Tabara
October 15, 2004Statement by CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal on the promotion of Col. Jovito Palparan
October 21, 2004Arroyo regime cannot defeat people's war even with US terrorist support -- CPP
October 23, 2004So-called terrorist plot, smokescreen for AFP scandals
October 26, 2004Ten reasons why the Arroyo regime is ripe for the ousting
October 26, 2004CPP condemns Arroyo for statement on Iraq
October 30, 2004CPP slams passage of additional alcohol and cigarette taxes
November 2, 2004Arroyo set to drop peace talks -- CPP
November 3, 2004CPP statement on hostage-taking of Filipino UN worker in Afghanistan
November 4, 2004Arroyo cannot fool the people about economy -- CPP
November 6, 2004Attack on oil companies, symbolic acts protest against oil price increases -- CPP
November 6, 2004CPP warns against intensified US military intervention with Bush reelection
November 6, 2004Gen. Abu is dreaming if he thinks AFP can defeat NPA -- CPP
November 12, 2004CPP demands immediate release of 9 victims of rights violations in Mindoro
November 12, 2004CPP pays tribute to PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat
November 14, 2004CPP releases "10-point call to action" to AFP, PNP
November 17, 2004CPP condemns killing of striking workers at Hacienda Luisita
November 18, 2004Cojuangcos will be divested of Luisita by the people's government--CPP
November 18, 2004Real thorn to peace talks is GRP's refusal to respect past agreements -- CPP
November 19, 2004Ermita insinuation is irresponsible, stupid and malicious -- Ka Roger
November 19, 2004NPA was not at Hacienda Luisita demonstration--Ka Roger
November 20, 2004CPP blasts at farcical investigation into Hacienda Luisita Massacre
November 24, 2004CPP expresses political support to nationwide strike against oil price increases
November 25, 2004CPP congratulates transport workers, sees bigger and longer strikes in coming months
November 26, 2004Arroyo terrorism bound to surpass Luisita Massacre with US, AFP backing--CPP
November 28, 2004Hacienda Luisita Massacre was premeditated -- CPP
December 1, 2004NPA Red fighters helping people rebuild homes, farms - CPP
December 1, 2004CPP blasts at Malaca�ang, AFP for outright lies on encounter between AFP and NPA
December 3, 2004GMA obscuring role of reactionary state in wanton deforestation--CPP
December 3, 2004NPA in calamity areas are helping in rehabilitation of people's lives-CPP
December 7, 2004CPP demands retraction, discloses details of 56th IB's Oplan Thunder in Bulacan
December 9, 2004Arroyo human rights record worse than Marcos' -- CPP
December 14, 2004"Ka Roger" expresses condolences to FPJ family, friends
December 16, 2004Pull-out armed US troops, transfer relief work to civilian agencies, CPP demands
December 17, 2004CPP mulling unilateral ceasefire declaration
December 20, 2004Arroyo X'mas Ceasefire, duplicitous -- CPP
December 21, 2004CPP declares 10-day unilateral ceasefire
December 26, 2004Bigger and more frequent offensives in 2005--CPP
December 27, 2004CPP condemns Arroyo special treatment for Estrada
December 29, 2004Fear your AFP psywar handlers, CPP cautions Akbayan officials
December 31, 2004Heightened protests in 2005 may lead to GMA ouster

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