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Article III. Rights and Duties of Members

Section 1. The duties of Party members shall be as follows:

a. to build the unity and strength of the Party by raising the level of their understanding of Marxism-Leninism and by applying this universal theory on the concrete problems of the Party and the people`s democratic revolution;

b. to place the interests of the Party, i.e., the interests of the masses of the people, above personal interests, serve the masses of the people without reserve, learn from them as well as clarify to them policies and decisions of the Party and make prompt reports to the Party regarding the people's needs and aspirations;

c. to criticize and repudiate revisionism and dogmatism and Right and "Left" opportunism, all other erroneous trends of thinking and action within the Party;

d. to abide by the Party Constitution and Program;

e. to carry out thoroughly the Party line and all particular assignments given to them;

f. to master their line of work and become models of discipline, hard work, modesty and simple living in Party organi zations, mass organizations and among the people;

g. to conduct criticism and self-criticism in order to identify mistakes and weaknesses, to try earnestly to overcome and correct them and to improve political work;

h. to belong to and work in a basic Party organiza tion (a Party branch in a residential or work place, or a Party group within a mass organization or institution) and to attend meetings regularly;

i. to attend study courses regularly and to read and disseminate Party publications regularly;

j. to be loyal and honest to the Party and present all facts necessary for making correct decisions;

k. to pay dues promptly; and

l. to be alert to anything inside or outside the Party which endangers the Party and to oppose anything harmful to the interests of the Party and the people.

Section 2. The rights of Party members shall be as follows:

a. to participate freely in discussions during Party meetings concerning theoretical and practical problems regarding the Party line, policies and decisions;

b. to vote and be elected within the Party;

c. to submit proposals, statements or complaints to any party organization or organ at any level;

d. to criticize any Party organization, organ or member in Party meetings;

e. to examine the qualification of any candidate to any position or committee;

f. to appeal to be present in any meeting called to evaluate their characteristics, work or any disciplinary action to be meted out on them, unless a higher Party committee decides that the security of the Party demands otherwise.


Section 4. Candidate-members or Party members shall be free to resign from the Party. Every resignation shall be fully ex plained within the Party committee concerned.

Section 5. Every Party member regardless of merit and func tions who fails to fulfill his duties or fails to respect the rights of his comrades shall be criticized and educated. Serious violations of rights and duties shall be met with proper disciplinary measures.

a. Any disciplinary action against Party members shall be decided by the branch or group in a mass organization to which they belong, but if the punishment meted out is expulsion, the approval of the Party committee immediately above shall be necessary.

b. Any disciplinary action against a member of a Party committee shall be decided by the conference that elected him into that office or by a higher Party committee.

c. Any disciplinary action against a member or candidate-member of the Central Committee shall be decided by the Political Bureau on the ground of emergency or by the Central Committee.

Section 6. Disciplinary measures shall be meted out ac- cording to the gravity of the violation of Party discipline and shall take any of the following forms: warning, strong warning, reprimand or censure, removal from assignment, suspension, demo tion, or expulsion from the Party.

Party Constitution Bottom Preamble
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Constitution of the Communist Party of the Philippines


Article I. Name, Flag and Emblem, Anthem and Pledge

Article II. Membership

Article III. Rights and Duties of Members

Article IV. Principle and Structure of Party Organization

Article V. Central Organization

Article VI. Territorial Organizations of the Party

Article VII. Basic Organization of the Party

Article VIII. Party Groups in Mass Organizations

Article IX. The Party's Relationship with the New People's Army

Article X. The Role of the Party in the United Front

Article XI. Party Finances and Resources

Article XII. Amendments and Extraordinary Circumstances

Basahin sa Pilipino

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