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Saligang Batas
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Article VII. Basic Organization of the Party

Section 1. The branch as a basic Party organization shall be established wherever at least three Party members can work together as a collective unit, according to place of residence, place of work and place of study. Party branches shall be established in factories, mines, plantations or haciendas, barrios, schools, streets, offices and residential areas and in every company of the people's army. If in such places, there are less than three members, these Party members shall attach themselves to the nearest basic Party organization.

Section 2. If a Party branch exceeds fifteen members, the whole membership shall be divided into branch groups for purposes of convenience and security, unless the branch be in a secure revolutionary base area. Each branch group shall never exceed ten members.

Section 3. The most fundamental task of the basic Party organization shall be to develop the closest links between the Party and the masses of the people. The general responsibilities of the branch shall be:

a. to carry out propaganda and organizational work among the masses so as to implement the Party line and the policies and decisions of higher Party organs

b. to learn from the masses their aspirations an demands, make timely reports to the higher Party organs, give direction to and participate in the political, economic and cultural life of the people

c. to mobilize the masses through campaigns for their benefit and others and on issues of local, national or international scope and significance.

d. to muster material and moral support for the armed struggle waged by the New People's Army;

e. to recruit new Party members and Red fighters, collect dues of Party members, examine reports from Party members and safeguard Party discipline and security among members;

f. to organize the study of Party members and the dissemination of Party publications; and

g. to recommend Party members for cadre training at higher levels up to the Revolutionary School of Mao Zedong Thouth

Section 4. Branch meetings shall be held at least once a month. These shall be attended only by heads of branch groups if in an unstable and unprotected area it is difficult for all branch members to attend.

Branch meetings shall elect the branch executive committee and a secretariat (secretary and deputy secretaries) and appoint the heads of branch groups. The tenure of office of all these shall be one year.

Branch meetings shall approve applications for Party membership, receive and discuss reports of branch meetings and committees and decide upon the work of the entire branch.

Section 5. Every Party member shall belong to a Party branch. A Party member may belong to two basic Party organizations (Party branch or group in a mass organization or institution) and pay his dues to only one, provided he has the permission of a higher Party committee.

A Party member transferring from one branch to another shall carry the prior authorization of the section committees above the branches from and to which he is transferring as well as the Party committee which covers both the aforesaid branches.

Party Constitution Bottom Preamble
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Saligang Batas ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas


Article I. Name, Flag and Emblem, Anthem and Pledge

Article II. Pagsapi

Article III. Rights and Duties of Members

Article IV. Principle and Structure of Party Organization

Article V. Central Organization

Article VI. Territorial Organizations of the Party

Article VII. Basic Organization of the Party

Article VIII. Party Groups in Mass Organizations

Article IX. The Party's Relationship with the New People's Army

Article X. The Role of the Party in the United Front

Article XI. Party Finances and Resources

Article XII. Amendments and Extraordinary Circumstances

Basahin sa Pilipino

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