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Article VI. Territorial Organizations of the Party

Section 1. Territorial Party conferences shall be held regularly, in the case of regions, once every three years; in the case of provinces and districts, once every two years; and in the case of sections, once a year. Conferences may be held anytime, however, upon the decision of a higher Party organ or upon the petition of a majority of lower Party organs.

Section 2. The power and functions of regional, provincial, district and section conferences shall be:

a. to receive, discuss and endorse the reports made by the Part committees and other Party organs at the same level

b. to adopt resolutions on organizational and political questions; and

c. to elect the Party committee after determining the appropriate size of membership

Section 3. At their respective plenums, territorial Party committees shall elect an executive committee and a secretariat (the secretary and his deputies at least for education and organ ization). The Secretary shall chair the plenums, the executive committee and the secretariat.

Section 4. The regional, provincial, district and section committees, shall carry out the decisions of the higher Party organizations, create provisional lower Party organs, direct their activities and allocate Party cadres.

Section 5. The regional, provincial, district and section committees shall call work and study conferences every year to be attended by delegates elected by the Party branches and groups in mass organizations below. These conferences are empowered to make recommendations to leading Party organs, especially to the leading committees, regarding ideological, political and organi zational problems.

Section 6. The Party organization abroad shall be built a mong overseas Filipinos, from the basic level upwards, under the direction of the International Department of the Central Committee.

Party Constitution Bottom Preamble
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Constitution of the Communist Party of the Philippines


Article I. Name, Flag and Emblem, Anthem and Pledge

Article II. Membership

Article III. Rights and Duties of Members

Article IV. Principle and Structure of Party Organization

Article V. Central Organization

Article VI. Territorial Organizations of the Party

Article VII. Basic Organization of the Party

Article VIII. Party Groups in Mass Organizations

Article IX. The Party's Relationship with the New People's Army

Article X. The Role of the Party in the United Front

Article XI. Party Finances and Resources

Article XII. Amendments and Extraordinary Circumstances

Basahin sa Pilipino

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