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CPP Documents
Saligang Batas
CPP History
Rectify Errors and Rebuild the Party
Specific Characteristics of our People's War
Our Urgent Tasks


Our general programme will fundamentally remain unchanged during the entire stage of the people's democratic revolution. But from phase to phase during this general stage, our specific and immediate demands shall change.

Hereunder are our specific and immediate demands:

In the Political Field

1. Attack, isolate and destroy the bourgeois reactionary state, the U.S. imperialists, the landlords and all local tyrants in our country until their doom;

2. Establish the armed independent regime and develop the people's ability in the conduct of the governmePurge our ranks of modern revisionists and all other opportunists who sabotage our revolutionary efforts and expose the bankruptcy of bourgeois legalism and parliamentarism;

4. Campaign for a people's democratic constitution and demand the revocation of the bourgeois constitution and all counterrevolutionary laws, executive agreements and treaties;

5. Expose the curtailment of the political rights of workers, peasants, intellectuals and patriotic citizens who fight against foreign and feudal oppression, and allow the free operation of or support every democratic party or mass organization;

6. Fight the rise of fascism and use of murder and all other forms of intimidation against the people and their revolutionary and democratic leaders and organizations;

7. Punish the evil gentry and corrupt government officials and subject them to public trial by the people's court whenever possible;

8. Replace or re-organize the barrio councils and promote the leadership of the poor peasants and farm workers through revolutionary barrio committees;

9. Cooperate with all organizations and groups that can help build the national united front and isolate the die-hard enemies of the people's democratic revolution; andbr>
10. Assure low-ranking officials and rank-and-file employees in the reactionary government that they shall be reintegrated into the people's democratic government so long as they do not participate directly in the commission of public crimes and so long as they secretly cooperate with the revolutionary movement.

In the Economic Field

1. Render ineffective the Parity Amendment, the Laurel-Langley Agreement, the Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement, the Agreement Relating to Entry Rights of American Traders and Investors, Agricultural Commodities Agreement and the Investment Incentives Law and all other such legal instruments that bind our country economically to U.S. imperialism and all its local lackeys, and reject the old and new loan agreements made by the bourgeois reactionary government, including the "aid" agreements;

2. Encourage the people and the national bourgeoisie to build a self-reliant economy and at the same time confiscate foreign goods that depress or eliminate the local production of goods by patriotic Filipino citizens while urging the broad masses of the people to boycott imperialist businesses and consumer goods;

3. Outlaw bureaucrat capital and all property gained through corrupt and criminal means;

4. Help improve the livelihood of workers, peasants, farm workers, fishermen and handicraftsmen by exercising price control in base areas and providing work for the unemployed; and organize the peasants, fishermen and handicraftsmen into elementary cooperative units (mutual aid teams and labor exchange systems) and support every movement for the economic emancipation of the people;

5. Compel the reduction of rent and interest rates in guerrilla zones and abolish rent in the liberated areas, abolish exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies and establish a consolidated progressive tax, collecting a fair agricultural tax and also a fair business tax from the petty and the national bourgeoisie;

6. Help the workers in the factories, mines, plantations, transportation lines and offices to conduct strikes successfully;

7. Expose the deceptive and reactionary character of the Magna Carta of Labor, the Agricultural Land Reform Code and such other bourgeois measures pretending to support the economic and social struggle of the exploited masses;

8. Protect and encourage Filipino-owned commerce and industry by providing market guarantees, protection, credit and tax relief;

9. Support the national minorities in their fight against landlords, landlords, landgrabbers, mining companies, logging concessionaires and plantations; and

10. Safeguard the people's health and expand medical services.

In the Military Field

1. Organize and train units of the people's army; armed propaganda teams, guerrilla units, regular mobile troops, militia and armed city partisans;

2. Campaign against the U.S. military bases and U.S. military assistance and all treaties (U.S.-R.P. Military Bases Treaty, Military Assistance Pact and Mutual Defense Treaty, the SEATO, etc. ) that bind the reactionary government and army to the U.S. imperialists, and also against the anti-democratic intent of "civic action," the "Peace Corps" and other counter-insurgency projects of the U.S. imperialists;

3. Destroy the military units of the reactionary government and of the US imperialists and capture useful military equipment;

4. Punish the spies and all subversive agents (especially members of the CIA and DIA) of U.S. imperialism and their local reactionary cohorts;

5. Campaign against the drafting of youth, workers and peasants by the reactionaries for military camp training and service and also against the P.M.T., R.O.T.C. and Philippine Military Academy because of their reactionary orientation;

6. Eliminate cattlerustling and piracy, banditry and all other activities that prey on the poor;

7. Destroy the terror squads like the Home Defense Corps and the "Monkees", and disarm and disband the bodyguards of bureaucrat capitalists, civilian guards of landlords and strike-breakers;

8. Organize the oppressed national minorities to take up arms against imperialist and feudal oppression;

9. Wage a war of annihilation but exercise leniency on captured combatants so as to demoralize the enemy; and

10. Cooperate with all other armed movements or groups fighting against imperialist and feudal oppression.

In the Cultural Field

1. Develop a national, scientific and mass culture responsive to the needs and aspirations of the Filipino people;

2. Campaign against imperialist and feudalist or Church control and influence over the educational system and mass media;

3. Propagate the national language as the principal medium of instruction and communication;

4. Develop a people's democratic culture and put revolutionary content in art and literature while combatting the decadent literature of "universal humanism," pessimism, escapism, class reconciliation and all other pernicious bourgeois trends;

5. Combat Christian chauvinism against the national minorities;

6. Support the progressive movements and actions among students, teachers and all intellectuals;

7. Guarantee the better livelihood of teachers and other staff members of educational institutions and guarantee academic freedom;

8. Respect the freedom of thought and religious belief and use patient persuation in gathering support for the people's democratic revolution;

9. Denounce imperialist study and travel grants; and

10. Fight for free education at all levels and wipe out illiteracy and superstition among the masses and rouse them to a revolutionary and scientific spirit.

In the Field of Foreign Policy

1. Base Philippine foreign policy on the Filipino people's sovereignty and self-reliance, and cooperate with all friendly revolutionary people's governments and movements on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit;

2. Fight against all unjust treaties and agreements imposed by U.S. Imperialism;

3. Develop the firmest relations with the People's Republic of China, People's Republic of Albania and all revolutionary governments and peoples;

4. Support the revolutionary struggles of all oppressed peoples in Asia, Africa and Latin America; and all neighboring oppressed peoples of Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Thailand, Kalimantan Utara, Malaya, Burma, Korea and others;

5. Expose the United Nations as a tool of U.S. imperialism and its revisionist renegade accomplices in the crime of neo-colonialism;

6. Oppose every treacherous maneuver of all revisionist states and parties in their collaboration with U.S. imperialism;

7. Resist the attempt of US imperialism to make use of Japan and the revisionist renegade clique led by the Soviet Union as tools in the exploitation of the Philippines;

8. Oppose such "regional" arrangements as the Asian Development Bank, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Asian Pacific Council (ASPAC), and the like that reinforce the SEATO and other longstanding instruments of US imperialism in the region;

9. Campaign against the imperialist advisers and survey missions in the bourgeois reactionary government; and

10. Uphold the spirit of proletarian internationalism and the policy of the international united front.

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Program for a People's Democratic Revolution (1968)






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