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Gallery of Heroes and Martyrs

Romulo and Ruben Jallores

Romulo Jallores

Romulo Jallores, known as Che and Kumander Tangkad, was born on November 8, 1945 in Moriones, Ocampo, Camarines Sur. He studied at the Moriones Public School and Sta. Clara Academy. He went to Manila and held various jobs: cleaning cars for three years, construction foreman for two years, machine shop helper for one year.

According to his mother, May Silay, Mulo had one outstanding trait — his being very helpful to others. He was always saying to his mother, "Give clothes to the poor. And he wanted the househelp helpers to be always treated well.

Mulo joined the movement during the late 60s. He was called Che by his comrades because his picture appeared in the cover of the magazine, Nation, in an article entitled "The Siege of Malacanang". He was on a truck that tried to enter Malacanang, wearing a beret, and looking-like Che Guevarra. This was in 1970.

In 1971, he returned to Tigaon, Camarines Sur, and started organizing work for the national democratic movement by doing work among the peasants. This was the formative years of the New People's Army in the Bicol region. On December 30, 1971 he was killed in a shootout with the PC troops.

Ruben Jallores

Ruben, or Kumander Benjie, was the older brother of Mulo. He was born on May 5, 1943. Like Mulo he joined the mass movement in Manila and later returned to Camarines Sur. Together with his brother, he did organizing work among the peasants.

He was reported to have died in an encounter with PC troops in sitio Tucad, baranggay Salvacion in Ocampo, Camarines Sur on July 5, 1972. However, according to witnesses, Ruben and four comrades were captured in a hut, taken alive, bound and shot at close range.

The photographs were taken from the book, PULANG HAMTIK, published by the Bikol Agency for Nationalist and Human Initiatives, Inc. (BANH).

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