NPA in "dismantled" front ambushes Nolcom troops

A unit of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Ilocos Sur ambushed operating troops of the 71st Division Reconnaissance Company (DRC) in Barangay Lamag, Quirino. The ambush clearly disproves the recent AFP declaration of having “dismantled” the NPA in the area.

The firefight lasted for about 40 minutes according to police reports. Pvt. Shame Reyes of the 71st DRC was killed while Pvt. Rafael Masacote was wounded.

This was the seventh NPA offensive since the year started and came two weeks after a double ambush operations of the NPA-Abra against 24th IB and 72nd DRC last January 4 in Malibcong, Abra killing seven soldiers.

Last December, the AFP and PNP in Northern Luzon jointly declared the “dismantling” of two guerrilla fronts of the NPA. They boasted that they have eliminated the NPA in the triboundary of Ilocos Sur, Abra and Mountain Province.

The NPA ambush last Friday took place right smack in the middle of this area.

NPA in "dismantled" front ambushes Nolcom troops