CPP slams fake "bayanihan" by the PNP and AFP

“The order came from “higher ups”,” says the PNP Region 10 in a statement. Yesterday, April 27, 2021, an internal memorandum from the regional office of the PNP was leaked revealing an order to all police units to conduct “bayanihan” activities, imitating community pantries which have sprouted across the country. Among its instructions were to “plant beneficiaries”, take pictures to “manifest community’s appreciation” and “to gain ground in fight against insurgency.”

The CPP through their chief information officer, Marco Valbuena, criticized PNP and NTF-ELCAC’s attempt to counterfeit the community pantries after they red-tagged and harassed the organizers who initiated the pantries. Valbuena cited an instance where a community pantry in Cagayan de Oro, organized by a young university teacher, was forced to close down after he was red-tagged as supposedly having links with the New People’s Army.

These “bayanihan” organized by the PNP are counterfeit because they are merely using public funds to give dole-out aids. “This is pure fakery. They are ordered to do so merely to make it appear that the government is doing something,” added Valbuena. The Party also said in the statement that Duterte government’s refusal to extend substantial aid of P10,000 to the people moved them to set up community pantries.

PNP aims to counter negative publicity over the spate of killings and abuse of power perpetrated by the police and anomalies involving the PNP. Duterte fattens them to the detriment of teachers, health workers and other government employees. “No amount of counterfeit “bayanihan” activities can alter people’s hate to the police and military,” Valbuena ended.

CPP slams fake "bayanihan" by the PNP and AFP