80th IB soldier punches a resident in an Antipolo City barangay

This article is available in Pilipino

Marvin Stamo, a soldier from the 80th IB, punched without provocation, civilian David Rizalte Papagitan, a resident of Barangay San Jose, Antipolo City, on June 29. Subsequently, Stamo threatened to kill Papagitan if he continued his “links” with the New People’s Army (NPA).

The 80th IB has been subjecting the Papagitan’s barangay to hamletting for months. The soldiers closely monitor the residents and impose military rule.

In June, the 80th IB deceitfully planned a raid against a private farm in Sityo Ysiro, Barangay San Jose posing as NPA-Rizal Red fighters. This was executed to justify military presence in the barangay.

NPA-Rizal has already denied launching the raid. “All raids carried out by the NPA is to fight against tyrannical landlords, big bourgeoisie-compradors, and their fascist tentacles, with the aim of promoting the rights and interests of the toiling masses,” Ka Macario Liwanag, the unit’s spokesperson, said.

Under the Marcos regime, Ang Bayan recorded at least 60 cases of human rights violations by the state armed forces in Rizal. The number of victims in these violations reached 4,252.

AB: 80th IB soldier punches a resident in an Antipolo City barangay