Lawmaker questions banning 'protest outfit' inside the SONA plenary

This article is available in Pilipino

Kabataan Partylist Rep. Raoul Manuel expressed concern in the recent statement by House of Representatives Secretary General Reginald Velasco that those who wear “protest outfits” or clothes with painted or written protests in the congressional plenary during the upcoming third State of the Nation Address (SONA) by Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will be banned and arrested.

“Is this a threat? I mean, can I be arrested inside Congress on the day of SONA if I’m wearing protest art?” asked Rep. Manuel. Makabayan Bloc representatives usually use “protest outfits” to express in plenary the true condition of Filipinos every SONA.

The youth party said it stands firm in defense of the right to express dissent using a protest outfit. “Does Marcos Jr. tremble with fear when he sees protest art?” Rep. Manuel said.

Rep. Manuel emphasized that SONA is not a platform for the glorification of power but an avenue for the people to voice their concerns and hold the government to account.

They also said it is very important to protect and uphold the right to free expression especially at a time when democracy is threatened and authoritarian tendencies are on the rise in Philippine society. “The Filipino youth and all advocates for democracy must resist any attempts to curtail this fundamental right,” the youth party said.

In past SONAs, Makabayan Bloc representatives suffered similar harassment and actual confiscation of sashes, fans and other garments with calls. They are also usually criticized by allies and administration party members.

AB: Lawmaker questions banning 'protest outfit' inside the SONA plenary