Archive of Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson

NDF-EV condemns attack on Tacloban 5 as crackdown on legal democratic opposition
February 19, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today strongly assailed “the fascist tyranny of the simultaneous illegal raids last February 7 by Duterte government forces on the offices of progressive organizations in Tacloban City, Leyte, and the arrests of a journalist and human rights defenders on false charges and evidence.” As reported in the media, those taken […]

NDF-EV condemns continuing extrajudicial killings in Northern Samar
January 25, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today condemned the recent extrajudicial killings of three peasants in Northern Samar and pinned these on the Philippine Army’s 8th Infantry Division. “The new year has barely started and a peasant leader already been killed in line with the Duterte government’s ‘counterinsurgency’ campaign,” said Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas, NDF-EV […]

NDF-Eastern Visayas condemns 8th Infantry Division's push for martial law in Samar
December 29, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front in Eastern Visayas (NDF-EV) today condemned the 8th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army’s urging for martial law in Samar as a crude attempt to sabotage the efforts to resume peace talks. Spokesperson Captain Reynaldo Aragones, in a radio interview, called on GRP President Rodrigo Duterte to declare martial law in […]

NDF-EV condemns military for widespread witch-hunting in schools and online
November 27, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today assailed the 8th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army for widespread witch-hunting since Duterte’s Memorandum Order 32 (MO 32) and Executive Order 70 (EO 70) placed the region under de facto martial law. “The 8th ID has been on a blitz of witch-hunting in high schools and colleges region-wide, […]

Duterte regime’s inveigling of EV media for dirty propaganda war will backfire – NDF-EV
November 25, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today said the Duterte government’s recent enlistment of the media in the region for “counterinsurgency” is symptomatic of the militarization and fascization of the government and civil society. “The Duterte regime wants to align the entire government and civil society with the military’s “counterinsurgency” campaign that is being condemned for […]

NDF-EV: Unable to defeat the NPA, desperate AFP resorts to landmine non-issue and other propaganda dirt
November 25, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today said that one year after the Duterte regime’s Memorandum Order 32 placed Samar under virtual martial law, the New People’s Army (NPA) is going from victory to victory, leaving the Armed Forces of the Philippines reeling from continuing battlefield losses and resorting to dirty propaganda against the NPA. “The […]

Civilian casualties mere "collateral damage” to JTF Storm air strikes –--NDF-EV
November 07, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today vehemently condemns the Joint Task Force Storm of the Armed Forces of the Philippines for carrying out air strikes near civilian communities in Brgy. Capotoan, Las Navas, Northern Samar in the early morning of October 26. The military’s air strikes which were targeting a unit of the New People’s […]

AFP using E-CLIP for landgrabbing, corruption
October 28, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

In Leyte, troops of the Armed Forces of the Philippines led by 802nd Infantry Brigade commander Gen. Lope Dagoy continue to use the Enhanced Community Livelihood and Integration Program (E-CLIP), the Duterte regime’s program for forced surrenders, to conduct large-scale land-grabbing among poor peasants and corruption of millions of public funds. Gen. Dagoy offers relocation, […]

NDF calls on the people to condemn the worsening human rights situation in Eastern Visayas
October 28, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today called on the Filipino people to unite and stand against the atrocities brought by the US-Duterte regime through the 8th Infantry Division-Philippine Army. “They continue to condone the culture of impunity in the region, while increasing their record of human rights violations (HRVs) in their hope to crush the […]

NDF-EV scores fascist orientation behind PMA hazing and campus militarization in the region
September 30, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Eastern Visayas | Fr. Santiago “Ka Sanny” Salas | Spokesperson |

  The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today said the hazing problem in the Philippine Military Academy that recently killed a cadet will not go away but may in fact become widespread through the Duterte regime’s drive to militarize campuses. “Hazing is inherent in the fascist orientation of the military and police that are essentially molded […]