Archive of CPP Information Bureau

CPP condemns Duterte’s purchase of P2.4-B artillery systems amid Covid-19 crisis
May 12, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today condemned the Duterte regime for formally placing its order of P2.4 billion worth of artillery systems from Israeli company Elbit Systems amid the Covid-19 crisis. The Department of National Defense (DND) issued a Notice to Proceed with the purchase early last month. “The Duterte regime’s plan to […]

US-Duterte P75-B arms deal amid pandemic is atrocious -- CPP
May 10, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today denounced the US State Department’s issuance of a certification last April 30 approving the Duterte government’s request to buy P75 billion worth of attack helicopters, missiles and other war matériel and services. “The approval is utterly atrocious especially since it came at a time when the Filipino […]

CPP denounces fake surrender of 16 workers in Laguna on Labor Day
May 04, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the military and police for staging a fake surrender last May 1 where Coca-Cola workers were falsely presented before the media as members of the NPA. The media event was held at Camp Vicente Lim in Calamba City by the 202nd IBe and the Philippine National Police […]

CPP denounces arrest of 76 activists, volunteers on Labor Day
May 02, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the arrest of 76 activists and relief volunteers by police elements in Metro Manila and Iloilo on Labor Day.   “The Duterte regime marked Labor Day with mass arrests to stifle dissent and muffle criticism in its desperation to cover up its ineptness and failure to address […]

CPP leadership orders extension of ceasefire
April 16, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The highest body of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) ordered yesterday the New People’s Army (NPA) to extend the nationwide ceasefire for 15 more days to “prioritize the fight against the pandemic and ensure the safety, health and well-being of everyone.” In its order posted today at the CPP’s website, the CPP Central […]

CPP questions Duterte's ceasefire declaration
March 22, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today questioned the Duterte regime’s ceasefire declaration saying reports indicate that combat, psywar and intelligence operations continue to be conducted by AFP units against the New People’s Army and against the peasant masses. After imposing the militarist Luzon Lockdown purportedly to contain the spread of the Covid-19, Duterte […]

Condemn Duterte's disregard for public health
February 03, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Filipino people are on the receiving end of Rodrigo Duterte’s gross disregard for public health in the face of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Much like the indifference he has shown during recent calamities, Duterte spurned responsibility to take decisive action against the possible spread of the virus which has now hit dozens of […]

On the wave of global protests
November 02, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends solidarity with the peoples of Chile, Ecuador, Lebanon, Catalan and other countries in their militant protests against the onslaught of neoliberal economic policies, worsening inequality, corruption and national oppression. The massive protests expose the moribund character and deepening crisis of the global capitalist system. General strikes and […]

Duterte will regret decision to arm firemen -- CPP
August 04, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Last August 1, Rodrigo Duterte expressed he wants to expand mandate for firemen to include their participation in the government’s anti-insurgency operations. “We always hear AFP claims that it is winning the war. Why then is Duterte desperate to arm firemen against the NPA?,” the CPP said. The CPP added, “at any rate he will […]

CPP: The NPA is not shaken by Duterte's threats
August 04, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today lambasted Rodrigo Duterte for ordering his armed men in the AFP and PNP to “give NPA rebels what they deserve” which is a codeword for “killings and torture.” Duterte made the remarks in a speech last August 2 in Davao City. The CPP said, “the New People’s […]