Archive of Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant

The diabolical formula of Duterte in the use of violence and deception
June 14, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

The diabolical fascist formula of Duterte for entrenching himself in power and committing the most atrocious crimes is to use all means of violence, mass intimidation and deception to attack, discredit and disable all actual and potential critics and opposition. While he uses the military, police and special death squads to kill critics, opponents, revolutionaries […]

Can Duterte stay in power beyond 2022 or pick his successor to do his bidding?
June 10, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

Duterte has the illusion that he can stay in power through state terrorism and charter change or choose his successor beyond the end of his term in 2022 merely because he has gained the loyalty of most military and police officers by criminalizing and corrupting them and because he controls the Comelec and the TIM-Smartmatic […]

What to expect from Duterte in the next two years
May 19, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

Duterte is overly confident that in the last two years of his legal term of office he will not be a political lameduck under the pressure of his accumulated crimes and failures, the spread of mass discontent, the rise of the broad legal opposition and the rivalries among his own political followers. The source of […]

On Duterte's call to kill NPA commanders and offer of P2 million per head
May 12, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

By using Covid-19 as pretext, Duterte has been able to grab emergency powers and 275 billion pesos supposedly for mass testing, medical treatment of the sick, food and economic assistance for the people who have been deprived of livelihood by the lockdown. But the overwhelming majority of the people who are supposed to be beneficiaries […]

Duterte using COVID-19 to advance his scheme of fascist dictatorship
April 25, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

It is a matter of fact that Duterte has already used the Covid-19 to grab emergency powers and to rob the people of public funds by getting the authority to dispose of more than 350 billion pesos and realign the trillions of pesos in the 2020 budget of the reactionary government. He has imposed a […]

GRP unilateral ceasefire declaration is premature, bereft of any basis for reciprocation by the NDFP
March 18, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

The Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) has issued its unilateral ceasefire declaration in advance of any such declaration by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. However, from the viewpoint of the NDFP, there is yet no clear basis for the NDFP to reciprocate the aforesaid declaration of the GRP. There is […]

In honor of Ka Julius Soriano Giron--JMS
March 17, 2020 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

As Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines and Chief Political Consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, I honor Comrade Julius Soriano Giron with the Red salute and express the highest respect and commendation for his martyrdom and for his long record as a communist leader and revolutionary fighter in […]

Duterte regime is culpable for letting COVID-19 spread for more than two months in the PH
March 15, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

Since the public report on the outbreak of Covid-19 in China in early January this year, the Duterte regime has downplayed it for more than two months and allowed more than half a million of travellers from China, including thousands from Wuhan to enter the Philippines. Until now, travellers from China can freely enter the […]

On Duterte's order to end the people's war before the end of his brutal rule in 2020
March 11, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

There can be no end to the new democratic revolution through protracted people’s war in the Philippines so long as the Filipino people are plagued by imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. As in the time of the Marcos fascist dictatorship, the state terrorism now under the Duterte regime incites the broad masses of the people […]

Welcome to Duterte's willingness to talk peace and let backchannel talks to lay the ground
March 06, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Chief Political Consultant |

I welcome the report that in his recent cabinet meeting President Duterte expressed his willingness to talk peace with me, depending on backchannel or informal talks between representatives of his government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). My position is in accordance with the policy of the NDFP to be open to […]