Archive of Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson

A comment on Duterte and Mocha Uson
October 10, 2018 | Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson |

After being used up and thrown away as rubbish by her master Duterte, Mocha Uson wants to raise her political stock at the expense of the CPP and NPA which she falsely accuses of wanting to kill her. Such a verbal stunt or fantasy of Mocha will not gain her a seat in the Senate […]

Great Achievements of the CPP in 50 Years of Waging Revolution
August 23, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson |

Download PDF: Chinese (Author´s Note: As founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, I have been asked by academic, journalist and activist friends and many other people to evaluate the CPP in the last 50 years and describe its current situation and prospects. All of them are anticipating the fast approaching golden anniversary […]

August 23, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson |


Continuing Validity and Vitality of Marxism
May 05, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Jose Maria Sison | Founding Chairperson |

Marx is to study his works and how relevant have been his revolutionary teachings to social history and current circumstances and to consider the continuing validity and vitality of his teachings.   We make a renewed critique of capitalism and monopoly capitalism and strive to reinvigorate the revolutionary movement of the proletariat and people to […]