Archive of Others

Massive political rallies of Robredo-Pangilinan tandem ought to serve as warning against cheating by Duterte
May 06, 2022 | Prof. Jose Maria Sison |

The opposition and the broad masses of the people have been effective in winning votes by condemning the Marcos and Duterte dynasties as “magnanakaw” (thieves) and “berdugo” (butchers) and calling for patriotic and honest governance. The Marcos and Duterte slate has utterly failed to evade the issues by making empty calls for “unity” without any […]

On the historic mission of the proletariat to defeat capitalism and build socialism
May 01, 2022 | Prof. Jose Maria Sison |

On May First, it is important and interesting to review the course that the international proletariat has taken in carrying out its historic mission of defeating capitalism and building socialism, learn lessons from the persistence of the world capitalist system and from the revolutionary experience of the proletariat and foresee how the epochal class struggle […]

On the Launch of On People’s War &Imperialism in Turmoil, Socialism in Prospect
March 27, 2022 | Prof. Jose Maria Sison |

Dear Friends, I wish to thank the International Office of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the International Network for Philippine Studies for sponsoring and organizing this cyber launch of the books, On People’s War and Imperialism in Turmoil, Socialism in Prospect. I also thank the book reviewers Jacob Bodden and Dr. Fred […]

US & NATO mastermind and engineer armed conflict between Russophobe Ukranian regime and Russia
February 26, 2022 | Prof. Jose Maria Sison |

It is a matter of history that the Soviet modern revisionists from Khruschov to Gorbachov and Yeltsin had the illusion that, if the Soviet Union took the road of capitalist restoration, bourgeois populism and bourgeois pacifism, the Cold War and the threat of a nuclear war would end, Russia would go back to the European […]