Archive of Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson

Fight the intensified anti-people measures of the Duterte regime amidst the Covid crisis
October 14, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

In order to keep the money flowing to their pockets, spin doctors of the Duterte regime frantically present an unending parade of so-called ‘surrenderees’ to bolster up its surrender campaign and other propaganda gimmicks. Among its latest showcases are the reported ‘surrendered guerrillas’ in Abra and Mountain Province. Just as has been repeatedly peddled ad […]

The Filipino People Will Never Glorify a Dictator
September 11, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The CPDF and the entire revolutionary forces in the Cordillera join the entire Filipino people’s cry of indignation over the passing of House Bill 7137, declaring Sept 11, the birthdate of the fascist dictator Marcos a holiday in Ilocos Norte. Through this bill, the regime has only shown its contempt to the struggling peoples and […]

Fascist rule further inflames the people’s resistance
September 09, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

Forty-seven years ago, the dictator Ferdinand Marcos imposed Martial Law. During the dark days of his reign of terror and wanton plunder of our resources, the Cordillerans like the rest of the national minorities in the country fell victim to his monstrous crimes against the Filipino people. Now under the equally brazen dictatorial rule of […]

Hold High the Sterling Revolutionary Legacy of Comrade Julius “Ka Nars/Ka Pisyong” Soriano Giron--CPDF
April 05, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

The brutal, treacherous and cold blooded multiple murder of the ailing and aged Julius “Ka Nars/Ka Pisyong” Soriano Giron, his attending physician Dr. Maria Lourdes Tangco and his aide Arvie Alarcon Reyes by state security forces of the US-Duterte regime at the wee hours of March 13 in Baguio City has indeed shocked and infuriated […]

Intensified militarization does not address the COVID-19 epidemic
March 22, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

Once again, the Duterte administration has shown its incapability in rationally addressing the urgent problem of the global pandemic corona virus disease (Covid)-19. Instead of prioritizing funds and resources and mobilizing the health sector to fight the said pandemic, it has intensified the presence and repression if state forces and set up checkpoints in the […]

Galvez is talking to his own shadow! Rejoinder to the OPAPP’s dream of an insurgent-free Cordillera region
January 08, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

In a vain attempt to outshine the prospect of the resumption of peace talks between the NDF and the GRP, peace spoilers in the Cordillera wish to steal the show. They undertook a preposterous effort to showcase that local peace talks is the best policy the reactionary regime has taken. Thus, they ridiculously chose the […]

CPDF: Onwards to victory!
January 08, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

On the occasion of the 51st anniversary celebration of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) joins ranks with the rest of the revolutionary mass organizations and the Filipino people in extending warmest militant greetings to the CPP for its achievements this year against the US-Duterte regime and in the […]

The surrender campaign of the US-Duterte regime is a big fat pocket!
January 08, 2020 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

  The comical episodes on fake surrenders in the country unfold day by day. For pure psywar, the corrupt military and civilian officials continue to make money from the various trickery feigning success of their counterrevolutionary war against the national democratic revolution. Propaganda and psychological warfare comprised a large component part of the Oplan Kapanatagan […]

Kundenaren ti pammutbuteng ken panagranggas ti militar iti Mt. Province!
November 07, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

  Makikaykaysa ti Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF-Mt. Province) iti umili iti panangkundenar iti pammutbuteng ken panagranggas dagiti pasista a tropa ti Estado iti Mt. Province. Iti sidong ti nasurok maysa a bulan nga operasyon dagiti nadumaduma a yunit ti Armed Forces of the Philippines ken Philippine National Police (AFP-PNP) iti Besao, Sagada, Bauko, Tadian, […]

November 07, 2019 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | Cordillera People's Democratic Front | Simon ‘Ka Filiw’ Naogsan | Spokesperson |

Duterte has turned the entire reactionary government bureaucracy into a counter-revolutionary, psywar and spin machinery with his “Whole-of-nation approach”, a copycat of the failed US counter-terrorism mantra of “Whole-of-government approach”, for his pipe-dream to end the CPP-led armed revolution. With the penchant desire of a tyrant, he has piled up more than 60 former military […]