Archive of Articles

State forces arrest 3 farmers in Masbate
April 21, 2020

FARMERS ROMNICK Var­­­gas, Juan Di­ki­no and Alden Javier were arrested by 2nd IB and police elements in Ba­ra­ngay Ca­bas-an, Aro­roy, Mas­ba­te on Abril 10. The three were apprehended after an encounter between the said troopers and an NPA unit. The victims were accused of being members of the people’s militia. On the same day, the […]

Plight of the semiproletariat amid the lockdown
April 21, 2020

“We’ll die from either two things: hunger or the vi­rus. I think we’ll die earlier because of hunger.” It’s been a month since Rodrigo Duterte implemented the militarist Luzon lockdown. The number of Covid-positive individuals rapidly increased during the period. On April 20, the total number of infections and deaths reached 6,459 and 428, respectively. […]

Lies of the 8th ID
April 21, 2020

The Armed Forces of the Philippines is relentlessly fabricating stories to justify its counterinsurgency campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic. Among its biggest lies was the false information peddled by the 8th ID that Red fighters “robbed” the food aid intended for residents of Sit­io Ba­ngon, Guin­maa­yo­han in Ba­la­ngi­ga, Sa­mar on April 7. Even town officials […]

Workers protest for wages, job security and protection
April 21, 2020

WORKERS’ PROTESTS FOR wage increases, job security and protection on workplaces are erupting across the globe, amid reports of Covid-19 outbreaks in factories and businesses allowed to operate during the pandemic. In the US, workers from Amazon, Wholefoods and Instacart protested last March to demand that they be given just wages, additional hazard pay and […]

Measly funds for peasant sector amid restrictive lockdown
April 21, 2020

At least 26 provinces in Visayas and Mindanao declared their respective lockdowns simultaneous with the Duterte regime’s implementation of a Luzon lockdown. Commerce and trade in these areas are paralyzed as the transportation of people and products is restricted. Farmers were also forced to halt production in the countryside. Even areas without lockdowns are also […]

Precaution, best measure against Covid-19 in the countryside
April 21, 2020

The Covid-19 spreads rapidly in the cities because of congestion and close interlinks among its residents. Eventually, it will reach the countryside as peasants leave their areas to sell their harvests and buy necessities in the cities. Workers and investors of mining, plantations and other commercial operations also come and go. Experts believe that the […]

Nurses demand mass hiring
April 21, 2020

THE FILIPINO NURSES United demanded the Duterte regime to immediately carry out mass hiring and training of nurses instead of just asking them to volunteer amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The group demanded that nurses must be accorded with just wages and benefits with job security. They also called for the regularization of thousands of contractual […]

Arrests, bombing amid Covid-19 crisis
April 21, 2020

State forces continued to perpetrate cases of human rights violations even amid the public health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. From April 6-19, at least 19 farmers were arrested in various parts of the country. A peasant was killed and a community was bombed in Mindanao during the same period. Residents of Sit­io Ka­pa­nal, […]

Huge oil production cut
April 21, 2020

SUCCUMBING TO THE pressure of US Pres. Do­nald Trump, the Orga­niza­ti­on of Pet­ro­le­um Expor­ting Coun­tri­es (OPEC), Rus­sia and other oil-producing countries ag­reed on April 12 to cut production by 10% or 9.7 million barrels per day from Ma­y to June. This will be the highest oil production cut in history. The reduction aims to arrest […]

Relatives file petition for immediate release of vulnerable political prisoners
April 21, 2020

Relatives of vulnerable political prisoners filed a formal petition before the Supreme Court on April 8 to call for their immediate release amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak, there has been a mounting clamor for the release of prisoners especially the elderly, sick, pregnant and nursing mothers, even temporarily, as they are highly vulnerable […]