Archive of Features

Skyrocketing pork prices
January 21, 2021

Many Filipinos are alarmed about the continuously increasing prices of food commodities, especially pork, in Luzon since December 2020. A recent report by the Department of Agriculture (DA) indicates that the price of pork belly in Metro Manila is already at ₱380 to ₱420 per kilo, while pork tenderloin is at ₱320 to ₱380. The […]

Heightened political crisis on Trump’s final days
January 21, 2021

US President Donald Trump was impeached for the second time by Congress on January 12, eight days before he was set to be replaced by Joseph Biden in the White House. Trump became the first president to be impeached twice. In the impeachment case, Trump was charged with “incitement of insurrection.” He was found responsible […]

Teachers and parents demand: Safe reopening of schools
January 07, 2021

The Alli­ance of Concer­ned Teachers (ACT) criticized Rodrigo Duterte for reneging on his plan to reopen a limited number of schools for face-to-face classes this January. Teachers said that this is a neglect of his duty to ensure the need for safe, quality and accessible education during the pandemic. The group called this a “passive […]

No 13th month pay for many workers
January 07, 2021

Many workers anticipated to receive their 13th month pay last December 2020 in order to bounce back this new year. Many also expected that they could use this to pay the debts they incurred after losing their jobs during the lockdown period. New year has already passed and many have not received the said pay. […]

Surviving Covid but not hardships
January 07, 2021

The year 2020 ended with the Philippines registering 747,000 cases of Covid-19 infections. Last January 4, the total number of recoveries was placed at 448,258 and deaths at 9,257. Most of those who recovered from the infection are under 49. Most of the patients who died were aged 60 and above. During the pandemic, thousands […]

Social me­dia in the Philippines: Channel of unity and struggle
January 07, 2021

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the militarist lockdown, physical assemblies and mobilizations of democratic organizations in the Philippines were limited in 2020. (Read related article in Ang Ba­yan December 21, 2020.) In this light, various sectoral mass organizations in urban centers strove to use online platforms to arouse, organize, mobilize and study. Based on […]

Mass protests amid lockdown
December 21, 2020

The Duterte regime exploited the Covid-19 pandemic to suppress the people’s rights to express, organize and protest. The militarist lockdown brutally implemented by the police and military fended off the outbreak of massive protests for aid, livelihood and rights. Despite this, democratic sectors were able to mount several large and small protest actions this year. […]

Christmas of poverty and hunger
December 21, 2020

Christmas is one of the most anticipated occasions by Filipinos annually. A major part of this celebration is the noche buena, a traditional feast often celebrated by Filipino families on Christmas eve. Amid the pandemic however, many families will opt not to carry on with the tradition due to the crisis which has been ravaging […]

Raising the capacity of the health system
December 21, 2020

Second part of the two-part series on the Cuban state and people’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. One of lessons drawn by Cuba on how to manage the Covid-19 pandemic is the need to raise the capacity of its health care system to provide health care for seriously ill and critical patients. This is called […]

Prices surge despite weak demand
December 07, 2020

In June, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas announced that the inflation rate will most likely remain low saying that demand is weak due to the pandemic. Despite this, inflation rates already went up three times this year (July, October and November.) According to latest data, inflation recently rose by 3,3%, with food prices registering the […]