Articles in English

Charge and punish the fascist US-Marcos Jr. regime!
October 05, 2023 | New People's Army | Ilocos-Cordillera Regional Operational Command (Chadli Molintas Command) | NPA-Abra (Agustin Begnalen Command) | Florencio Baluga | Spokesperson |

  July 25, 2023 | The lingering oppression of the Abrenian people is worsening under the regime of US-Marcos Jr. Its programs and policies that solely serve the imperialists, landlords and bureaucrat capitalists drive poverty and social injustice into deeper quagmire. To ensure the implementation of its anti-people and pro-imperialist policies, the US-Marcos Jr. regime […]

Bongabong 3, victims of AFP modus operandi
October 04, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Youth activists Job Abednego David, Peter del Monte and Alia Encela were abducted last September 19 by armed agents of the Marcos regime in Sitio Malaglag, Barangay Lisap, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro on September 19. After 15 days, the 4th IB has admitted the three activists are under their custody. As usual, the military is claiming […]

Marcos is burying the country deeper in debt
October 04, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

According to recent news reports, the Philippine government’s debt stock has risen to a record high of ₱14.35 trillion as of end of August, or around ₱150,000 debt for every Juan and Maria. Marcos Jr is following the same economic plan of his dictator father Marcos Sr under which Philippine debt ballooned by 4,300% between […]

Liberation International | July-September 2023
October 01, 2023

LIBERATION INTERNATIONAL is a publication of the NDFP International Information Office

On Building the People’s Democratic Government
October 01, 2023 |

An interview with Marco Valbuena Chief Information Officer of the Communist Party of the Philippines Since the re-establishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on 26 December 1968, the concept of a People’s Democratic Government (PDG) and the eventual creation of the People’s Democratic Republic of the Philippines (PDRP) has always been a […]