Articles in English

Crisis, corruption, state terrorism, puppetry mark 51st anniversary of martial law declaration
September 21, 2023 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in marking today the 51st anniversary of martial law amid worsening economic crisis, subservience to foreign powers, state terrorism and political repression under the dictator’s son Ferdinand Marcos Jr. More than ever, the Filipino people, especially the downtrodden masses of workers, peasants and other […]

Sweep away the dark shroud of martial law
September 21, 2023

More than five decades have passed, still the country remains under the dark shroud of martial law imposed by Ferdinand Marcos Sr on September 21, 1972. The darkness grows thicker amid relentless fascism and corruption under the government of the dictator’s son, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, while Filipinos undergo severe sufferings, with plummeting living standards and […]

Large funds for fascism and extravagance
September 21, 2023

Amid people’s gross suffering due to incessant price increase and plummeting economy, the US-Marcos regime’s proposed budget teems with trillions of pesos of funds to line the pockets of a few, especially high bureaucrats, cronies and their families. The regime’s claims that the ₱5.768 trillion 2024 national budget is “pro-poor” is a big lie. In […]

Multibillion confidential funds
September 21, 2023

Hogging the headlines over the past weeks are the “confidential and intelligence funds” (CIF) for Ferdinand Marcos Jr, Sara Duterte and 22 other state agnecies for the next year. Marcos will get ₱4.85 billion in CIF next year while Sara Duterte will get ₱650 million. Recall that in 2022, Marcos Jr committed barefaced corruption when […]

State disregard of youth: Education budget cuts
September 21, 2023

The future of the Filipino youth is clearly not a priority of Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s reactionary government. Despite the 9.5% increase in the proposed 2024 national budget, the budget for state universities and colleges (SUC) was cut by 5.8%. From the already insufficient ₱107 billion for 2023, only around ₱100.9 billion is being allotted for […]