Articles in English

NPA-Abra mounts 2 armed actions
July 07, 2023

Units of the New People’s Army (NPA) mounted two armed actions in Sallapadan, Abra during the last week of June. The attack was carried out against the 24th and 102nd IB troops operating in the said town. Red fighters first attacked the 24th IB unit operating at Sitio Mangmangga, Barangay Naguilian on June 26. One […]

Workers denounce paltry minimum wage
July 07, 2023

National Capital Region workers protested in front of the Nepa-Q Mart in Quezon City on July 3 to criticize the ₱40 wage increase mandated by the regional wage board. This increase, which will be received starting July 16, is equivalent to only a 7% of needed amount to reach the family living wage. Workers denounced […]

Groups denounce conviction of NDFP consultant and wife
July 07, 2023

Human rights groups condemned the June 29 the court’s conviction against elderly and sick National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) consultant Frank Fernandez, 75, and his wife, Cleofe Lagtapon, 69. The conviction is related to the fabricated case of illegal possession of firearms. The couple, along with Ge-ann Perez, were arrested on March 24, […]

Mindanao workers suffer from measly wages
July 07, 2023

Outside the National Capital Region, the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards (RTWPB) have yet to act on the workers’ petition for wage increase. Proposals are still pending in 10 RTWPBs. The RTWPBs last ordered increases in daily wages way back in June 2022. Of these, ₱16 (BARMM) got the lowest increase while Region VI […]

July 07, 2023

  March against Ahunan dam. Residents of Pakil, Laguna marched to the town center on July 1 to voice their opposition to the Ahunan and Belisama Hydropower projects. The Ahunan Dam will be built on Mount Ping-as, in the said town. The mass action was held after a forum and consultation on the same day […]