Articles in English

In short
March 21, 2024
Workers' Struggles
March 21, 2024

  New layoffs in Nexperia. Nexperia Workers Philippines Inc. Workers Union (NWPIWU)-NAFLU-KMU condemned Nexperia Philippines for the new round of layoffs planned for April to September. The company notified the union on March 4 of a nearly two-week shutdown in one of its areas and the retrenchment of 53 workers. The company warned this is […]

IHL violations mount as Marcos Jr continues to flout international rules of war
March 16, 2024 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDFP International Information Office |

Despite commitments made under the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) to uphold the fundamental rights and dignity of both civilians and combatants, the Marcos regime continues to flout international laws that govern the rules of war. On the 26th anniversary of the signing of the CARHRIHL on […]

(Primer) US imperialist incitement of war on China, a threat to the lives and liberty of the Filipinos
March 15, 2024 |

DOWNLOAD Introduction Every year, the US launches more and larger wargames on the land, sovereign territories and immediate surrounding waters of the Philippines. Concurrentlly, it builds increasing numbers of military bases, outposts and facilities that serve as quarters for troops and storage of equipment, weapons, war vehicles and other arsenals (chemical, biological and nuclear) it […]

Updates Philippines | March 15, 2024
March 15, 2024

UPDATES Philippines is a fortnightly publication of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).