Articles in English

PRWC Weekly Round-up (February 4-10, 2024)
February 11, 2024 |

This week in the PRWC…

Continuing relevance of Jose Ma. Sison and validity of the struggle for national democracy
February 08, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Today we mark the 85th birth anniversary of Ka Jose Ma. Sison, founding chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines. We remember his invaluable contributions to the revolutionary resistance of the Filipino proletariat and people, both as an ideological leader and a practical organizer of their struggle for national and […]

Justice for victims of Maco landslide!
February 08, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) extends its deepest sympathies to the families, relatives and friends of the scores of victims of the deadly landslide that buried dozens of homes and vehicles in Zone 1, Barangay Masara, in Maco town, Davao de Oro last night. According to reports, at least seven people died, while […]

(Portrait Drawings) Faces of Revolution
February 07, 2024 |

5×7″ on drawing book, Ballpen black, Arka’s Collection

Scorn the hostilities of the Marcos-Duterte fascist cliques
February 07, 2024

The people are firmly rejecting the conflict of the Marcos and Duterte fascist cliques, both of which represent the worst of the bureaucrat capitalists, and promote the interests of big landlords and comprador bourgeoisie, and imperialist domination in the Philippines. The conflict recently broke out in the open when Duterte spoke against the charter change […]