Articles in English

Fake encounters behind 3rd ID’s ‘dismantled’ illusion
January 18, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Maoche Legislador | Spokesperson |

The Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) 3rd Infantry Division is shameless than ever in declaring New People’s Army (NPA) guerrilla fronts on Negros Island as “dismantled” after two fake encounters last January 15 and 17 in Calatrava and La Castellana towns in Negros Occidental, respectively. In the second fake encounter, two civilians were captured […]

Updates Philippines | January 15, 2024
January 15, 2024

UPDATES Philippines is a fortnightly publication of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

The New People's Army will outlast the US-Marcos regime
January 14, 2024 | Communist Party of the Philippines | Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer |

Like many of his past declarations, Marcos’ claims today that the New People’s Army (NPA) has no more guerrilla fronts leave the people and their revolutionary forces incredulous. If Marcos’s declarations were true, why is it then that around 60-70,000 military and police combat troops (or around 150 battalions of AFP and PNP counterinsurgency units) […]

PRWC Weekly Round-up (January 7-13, 2024)
January 14, 2024 |

This week in the PRWC…

AFP and its #DiMasaligan79IB is for the moneyed people
January 10, 2024 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | NPA-Northern Negros (Roselyn Pelle Command) | Cecil Estrella | Spokesperson |

Like a spoiled child having tantrums, #DiMasaligan79IB’s Commanding Officer Lt.Col. Arnel Calaoagan released a statement lately bragging about the terrorist-tagging of the CPP-NPA-NDF as a whole and Roselyn Jean Pelle Command-Northern Negros Guerrilla Front of the NPA (RJPC-NPA) in particular. A trained fascist by US imperialism, peace saboteur Calaoagan flared up trying to cancel out […]