Articles in English

On Lorenzana's hypocritical posturing for Mindanao martial law non-extension
November 14, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

1. The people of Mindanao have had enough of martial law. They demand an immediate end to military and police abuses and violations of people’s democratic rights. They seek freedom from state-sponsored extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and imprisonment, harassments and intimidation. 2. Defense Secretary Lorenzana claims martial law can be not extended in Mindanao. This […]

Lorenzana's checkpoints will prevent maximum help from reaching earthquake victims
November 03, 2019 |

The Party denounces the order of Defense Secretary Lorenzana to set up checkpoints in the areas around the earthquake areas purportedly to ensure that only “legitimate and authorized” relief workers will be allowed to carry out relief work. From the point of view of humanitarian work, Lorenzana’s order is completely unacceptable. In this time of […]

Condemn mass arrest and Duterte regime’s heightened fascist drive
November 02, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest terms the mass arrest of activist workers, peasants, women, and media practitioners over the past few days in Bacolod, Escalante and Manila. Police arrested and detained more than 60 people belonging to various sectoral organizations were arrested. More than five children were also accosted. […]

Keeping secret Duterte's real state of health aims to preempt open rivalries within ruling clique
October 26, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

Malacañang announced yesterday that it will not issue any official bulletin about Duterte’s real state of health. At the same time, it is furiously spinning stories to make it appear the he remains physically healthy. His inner circle, Bong Go, in particular, has released contrived stories with questionable videos and pictures to make it appear […]

Unite behind Robredo's call to end drug war
October 25, 2019 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) supports the statement yesterday of Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo calling for an end to the Duterte government’s so-called war on drugs. Her description of the drug war as ineffective reflects the sentiments of majority of the Filipino people who are skeptical of Duterte’s real aims but are […]