Articles in English

Megaprofit by internet monopolies
February 21, 2019

Only a handful of giant companies dominate the internet. Two of the biggest are Facebook and Google. These companies rake in billions of dollars in profit through monopoly and control of the biggest internet operations. Facebook is well known as a social media website where users communicate and interact. Google, on the other hand, started […]

Megaprofit by internet monopolies
February 21, 2019

Only a handful of giant companies dominate the internet. Two of the biggest are Facebook and Google. These companies rake in billions of dollars in profit through monopoly and control of the biggest internet operations. Facebook is well known as a social media website where users communicate and interact. Google, on the other hand, started […]

DDoS attacks and other attacks on press freedom
February 21, 2019

IN THE PAST two months, consecutive and simultaneous attacks were carried out against websites of the Communist Party of the Philippines and online alternative news outfits. Such wide-ranging and coordinated attacks through DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) have been launched by no other than the special units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)—the […]

Duterte demands removal of 625 cases of enforced disappearances to UN
February 21, 2019

THE US-DUTERTE REGIME, on February 13, formally requested to the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (UN-WGEID) to remove from its list the 625 cases of enforced disappearances in the country. The list includes the names of those abducted by the reactionary state since 1975 until 2012. This scheme by the Duterte […]

Police arrests peasant leader in Palawan
February 21, 2019 |

Human rights violations including a case of killing, illegal arrest and detention against civilians were successively perpetrated by the police and military of the US-Duterte regime in the past two weeks. Elements of the Philippine National Police arrested Norly Bernabe last February 7, chairperson of the Kalipunan ng mga Samahang Magbubukid Sa Timog Katagalugan (KASAMA-TK) […]