Articles in English

The revolutionary forces and the people of Negros will frustrate AFP’s “all-out war” in the island
October 30, 2018 | New People's Army | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | Juanito Magbanua | Spokesperson |

Juanito Magbanua Apolinario Gatmaitan Command NPA-Negros Island The plan of the fascist US-Duterte regime to launch a so-called “all-out war” against the revolutionary forces and the people of Negros has already been in the works even prior to the massacre of nine members of the National Federation of Sugar Workers (NFSW) that took place more […]

On Duterte's military takeover of the Bureau of Customs
October 29, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Information Bureau |

Duterte’s military takeover of the Bureau of Customs signal his assumption of complete and direct control of the drug smuggling operations in the Philippines. Frustrated over how recent operations to smuggle in more than two tons of methamphetamine hydrocholoride (shabu) was publicly exposed, Duterte now wants to use martial law powers to take complete control […]

Intensify and Strengthen the Unity of Peasants and Lumad to Fight and Take to the task the Fascist US-Duterte Regime
October 28, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Northeast Mindanao | Maria Malaya | Spokesperson |

Ka Maria Malaya Spokesperson NDFP-NEMR The National Democratic Front of the Philippines-North Eastern Mindanao Region (NDFP-NEMR) and all the revolutionary forces wholeheartedly join the peasantry and Lumad this October in observance of the Peasant and Lumad Month. Let us give them the highest tribute in their continuing struggle for genuine land reform, right to self-determination […]

Duterte is the Philippine drug overlord
October 27, 2018 | Communist Party of the Philippines |

The Filipino public is in the right for criticizing the promotion of sacked Bureau of Customs head Isidro Lapeña to Duterte’s cabinet as new head of the TESDA. Why would Duterte promote Lapeña after he has been publicly exposed as having refused to act to stop the smuggling last June of more than 1.6 tons […]

Despite the Searing Economic Crisis, the US-Duterte Regime is Already in a Frenzy over the Start of the 2019 Midterm Bourgeois Elections
October 26, 2018 | National Democratic Front of the Philippines | NDF-Mindanao | Joaquin Jacinto | Spokesperson |

Ka Joaquin Jacinto Spokesperson, NDFP-Mindanao Despite the nation being stuck in a quagmire of a searing inflation, the US-Duterte regime is already in a frenzy propping up its electoral machinery for yet another election circus, the 2019 midterm polls. This is part of the regime’s grand design to secure the US-Duterte regime’s hold on state […]