Articles in English

NPA launches offensives to thwart AFP ceasefire violations in SMR
January 07, 2018 | New People's Army | Southern Mindanao Regional Operational Command (Merardo Arce Command) | Rigoberto F. Sanchez | Spokesperson |

Units of the New People’s Army in the region have taken active defense against ceasefire and human rights violations of operating AFP troops between December 27 to 30, consequently launching 5 military actions that resulted in at least 26 casualties against enemy troops. AFP soldiers belonging to the 28th IB and Scout Rangers Company took […]

Unite the people and wage all-out resistance to overthrow the US-Duterte fascist regime
November 24, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP-CC) condemns in the strongest terms possible the Duterte regime for issuing Presidential Proclamation No. 360 which arbitrarily terminates the NDFP-GRP peace negotiations. The Filipino people are indignant over Duterte’s terror proclamation as it torpedoes and casts away the achievements of NDFP-GRP peace negotiations. Various […]

Communique of the CPP Second Congress
March 29, 2017 |

The Second Congress of the Communist Party of the Philippines was held successfully on the fourth quarter of 2016. It was historically dated October 24 to November 7, 2016 as a way of setting off the celebration of the 100th year anniversary of the victory of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

Declaration terminating the unilateral interim ceasefire
February 01, 2017 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee | New People's Army | National Operational Command |

The August 28, 2016 unilateral declaration of interim ceasefire issued by the Central Committee of the CPP (CPP-CC) and the National Operations Command of the New People’s Army (NPA-NOC) is hereby terminated.

Unite and strengthen the Party! Lead the national democratic revolution to greater heights!
December 26, 2016 | Communist Party of the Philippines | CPP Central Committee |

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins all Party members and cadres, Red fighters and commanders of the New People’s Army, all revolutionary forces and the entire Filipino people in celebrating the 48th anniversary of the Party’s reestablishment on December 26, 1968. Let us extol all heroes and martyrs of […]