Articles in English

AFP massacres 7 Tausug youth
September 21, 2018

Elements of the Task Group Panther under the command of Lt. Col. Samuel Yunque and the 5th Scout Ranger Battalion led by Capt. Michael Asistores ruthlessly killed seven Tausug youths, ages 18-31, in Kabbon Takas, Patikul, Sulu in the afternoon of September 14. The victims were identified as Makrub Diray, Basirun Hayrani, Mijan Hayrani, Binnajar […]

Hold big mining responsible—Ka­li­ka­san
September 21, 2018

GROUPS KALIKASAN AND Cordillera People’s Alliance are demanding to hold big mining companies responsible for the landslides in Barangay Ucab, Itogon, Benguet during the height of typhoon Ompong last Septembre 15 and in Naga, Cebu on September 20. Latest tallies indicate that around 69 have died while 43 others are still missing after the mass […]

Cost of palay production in Kalinga
September 21, 2018

Officials of the reactionary state have been using the high rice prices as a pretext to justify importation. However, palay farmers do not actually benefit from any increase in rice prices. Rice prices continue to rise simultaneously with its cost of production, while farm gate prices remain low. Kalinga is among the provinces with highest […]

Rice importation means death to small farmers
September 21, 2018

Officials of the US-Duterte regime insist that the sole solution to rising food prices is extensive importation. For rice, in particular, state officials are pushing for the lifting of quantative restrictions (QR or the special treatment of rice which limits the maximum volume of rice the country can import) and the abolition of the National […]

Hold the US-Duterte regime accountable for worsening economic and political crisis
September 21, 2018

The Filipino people are gravely suffering under the increasingly acute economic and political crisis of the ruling system under the US-Duterte regime. This is a result of the regime’s adamance to implement neoliberal economic policies while imposing its tyranny and fascism to railroad these policies and establish its dictatorship. The backward, non-industrial, agrarian, import-dependent and […]