Articles in English

Salute and Give Tribute to the Martyrs of the Revolution in NEMR
August 09, 2018 |

Today, August 9, 2018, we celebrate Martyrs Day in North Eastern Mindanao Region (NEMR). On this day we render our highest salute and give tribute to the martyrs of the revolution. On this day also we remember Fr. Frank “Ka Migo” Navarro who gave up his life to serve the people and the revolution. Ka […]

Gloria Redux: Reviewing the corrupt and vicious Arroyo regime
August 08, 2018

Part 1: The corruption trail Barely two years under the Duterte regime, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo – political opportunist to the core – is back in the highest rungs of the reactionary government. Arroyo seized the speakership backed by Duterte and Marcos loyalists and her own horde. Arroyo’s showstopping powergrab in Congress vividly displays the rotten […]

Gloria Redux: Reviewing the corrupt and vicious Arroyo regime (Part 2)
August 08, 2018

Part 2: The trail of blood When news broke out of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s brazen takeover of the speakership in the House of Representatives, many parents and relatives of desaparecidos – persons disappeared by state actors – most of whom were in people’s protests for the State of the Nation Address (SONA) that day, cried […]

Gloria Redux: Reviewing the corrupt and vicious Arroyo regime (Part 3)
August 08, 2018

Part 3: Confluence of interests Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s power and influence remain undiminished almost a decade after having left Malacañang and despite being put under four years of hospital detention. With Rodrigo Duterte at the helm, she was promptly released from detention allowing her to assume her seat in the higher echelons of state power. […]

The US-Duterte Regime is Intensifying the Crackdown of Progressive and Democratic Forces
August 08, 2018 |

The National Democratic Front–North Eastern Mindanao Region along with the revolutionary forces in the region, strongly condemn the US-Duterte regime’s continuing crackdown of legal and democratic progressive organizations by arbitrarily filing trumped-up cases, killing and terrorizing its members. The most recent is Duterte’s revival of the trumped-up charges filed under the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo government against […]