Articles in English

To the victims of the Duterte regime's oppression and violence, the NPA is on your side
August 01, 2018 |

As the Duterte regime heightens its violent attacks against the Filipino masses, we assure the people that the forces of the New People’s Army (NPA) are on your side. To Duterte, his military cabal and his band of comprador oppressors, we are closely watching you. Through all the information in the media and social media, […]

August 01, 2018 |

Ti Dangadang ket rebolusyonaryo a pagiwarnak iti Amianan-Laud a Luzon iti tarabay ti Partido Komunista ti Pilipinas. Maipablaak ditoy dagiti damdamag kadagiti aksyon ti Bagong Hukbong Bayan ken dangadang ti umili kasta met ti panagamiris kadagiti isyu apakaseknan ti umili. Silulukat ti Dangadang iti aniaman a saludsod, dillaw, singasing, koresponsal ken pangkultura a parnuay tapno […]

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC of the NPA-Eastern Visayas against certain individuals misrepresenting the revolutionary movement
July 31, 2018 |

This is to inform the public that REY JOSIAH ECHANO and ELADIO PERFECTO have no affiliation whatsoever with the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army and National Democratic Front of the Philippines in the Eastern Visayas Region. Any transaction by them purporting to have the official approval of the revolutionary movement is therefore […]

40 AFP casualties in Bukidnon
July 31, 2018 |

The New People’s Army in Bukidnon (Mt. Kitanglad Subregional Command) successfully launched various military actions against the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in July. The AFP suffered 40 casualties, wherein more than 10 were killed-in-action (KIA) and not less than 30 were wounded-in-action (WIA). The following are some of the armed actions launched by […]

12SRC and 58th IB, blasted with CDX
July 31, 2018 | New People's Army | North Central Mindanao Regional Operational Command | Malem Mabini | Spokesperson |

THE NEW PEOPLE’S Army – North Central Mindanao Region (NPA-NCMR) lauds the Red fighters of Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon in their simultaneous attacks against the troops of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) last July 28. NPA-Bukidnon detonated a command detonated explosive (CDX) against troops of 12th Scout Ranger Company, under 2nd Lt. Andrew […]