
Civilians unhurt in latest NPA ambush in Borongan

The Efren Martires Command salutes the Sergio Lobina Command (New People’s Army-Eastern Samar or SLC) for its successful ambush of elements of the Philippine National Police-Regional Public Safety Battalion (RPSB) in Borongan City last December 13. The EMC also condemns GRP President Rodrigo Duterte and his militarist dogs, national security adviser Hermogenes Esperon and adviser to the peace process Carlito Galvez, for perpetuating the lie that civilians were hurt in the said ambush to deceive the public and sabotage the peace negotiations between the GRP and the National Democratic Front.

The NPA-SLC reported that Red fighters ambushed a patrol car carrying seven elements of the RPSB in Brgy. Libuton at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, where one was killed in action while five others sustained injuries. Two of the wounded patrolmen eventually died in the hospital. Red fighters were able to retreat to safety after seven minutes of firefight. They also confiscated one M-16 rifle, one M-4 rifle, one 9mm Taurus pistol, a drone unit, a backpack, a power bank and a smartphone.

No civilians were within the vicinity of the ambush, based on ground reports received by the NPA-SLC, separate vehicular incident within the area caused injuries to the civilians, where the tricycle they were riding collided with a van. According to one of the passengers, they were far away when they heard the firefight and did not even see the actual clash.

Duterte, Esperon and Galvez are the true terrorists and lawless elements for fabricating outright lies to deceive the public. They have no ambition to work towards a just and lasting peace for the Filipino people and thus spread such untruths to spoil the peace process between the GRP and the NDFP which represents the NPA. These peace spoilers only wish to terrorize the people into silence so that Duterte can maintain his hold on power and continue looting public funds, betraying the people to capitalist and foreign interests, and plundering the environment.

But the Duterte faction grows weaker by the day. Duterte flip-flops between feigning support to the peace talks and brushing it off altogether by calling on the military to completely defeat the NPA. He is growing desperate to pacify the growing hatred of the people towards his regime and the burgeoning mass movement calling for his ouster.#
Civilians unhurt in latest NPA ambush in Borongan