NPA camp in Cadiz City a big joke

The New People’s Army in Northern Negros in a statement today dismisses as fake news and pure fabrication the presence of supposed NPA “camp” in the “hinterlands” of Cadiz City as #DiMasaligan79IB reported in its social media post yesterday afternoon.

Upon verification, we found out that the location of the alleged encampment is not a hinterland village at all but a populated community of farm workers within Hacienda Flores situated in Barangay Luna in the said town a few kilometers away from the national highway. The terrain is mainly flatlands with very little or no vegetation which common sense dictates not suitable for setting up a guerrilla camp, Roselyn Jean Pelle Command Northern Negros Guerrilla Front (RJPC-NPA) spokesperson Ka Cecil Estrella said.

What actually happened yesterday was a military raid on the homes of farm workers that #DiMasaligan79IB suspected of having ties to the revolutionary movement or sympathetic to the NPA. The farm workers in Hacienda Flores, on their own initiative, organized themselves into an association and initiated a campaign for wage increase and benefits, as well as, against illegal dismissal and other unscrupulous labor practices of the landlord/s. The farm workers have filed cases in court in this regard.

#DiMasaligan79IB is obviously in the “State of High Desperation” in view of the crashing failure of their campaign to wipe out the “remnants” of RJPC-NPA within the month of June. The more than two weeks operations in Calatrava also failed to yield significant battlefield accomplishments. They are now resorting to all sorts of dirty tricks and machinations to project victories and achievements. But these acts further isolate them from the masses and only expose themselves as the army of the landlords and drive more people towards armed resistance, Ka Cecil Estrella added.

The so-called “war materials and subversive documents” are nothing but an array of mainly personal belongings and some chaff papers and ammunition that can easily be tampered and manufactured.

NPA camp in Cadiz City a big joke